Are you finally at the last step in your journeyman path and looking for a way to ensure you pass the exam? Are you looking for the best journeyman electrician’s study guide to fit your needs?
If either of these questions holds, you have come to the right place. Just as much as you want to pass, we want to ensure that you do.
Imagine working diligently through your apprenticeship only to find that you can’t pass the exam. Not only would that be disappointing, but it would be a significant hurdle in your journeyman career. However, never fear, there are several options available to you, from videos to physical study guides. This list will contain some of the best resources for passing electrical exams and even provide you with tips for how to pick the best books for you.
Don’t let your exam date approach without adequately preparing for the test. This test is the culmination of a long period of not only training but education. Electricians work in a variety of industries and are responsible for several systems which we must keep up and running. This includes Energy management systems, lighting systems, and many more. Keep reading to find some of the best study guides for passing electrical exams.
If you want to just get back to studying, get our top pick for journeyman electrician's study guide here.
Last update: 2025-02-18
Our Favorites for Best Journeyman Electrician’s Study Guide
2017 Journeyman Electrician Exam Questions and Study Guide by Ray Holder
If you’re on the path to becoming a journeyman electrician, there is no doubt that you have heard Ray Holder‘s name. He is not only the author of this book, but others like the Idaho Master Electrician Exam prep book and several others. This text will help you prepare for your exam by offering several practice questions and study guide.
What Makes it Unique:
- This text will provide you with two final exams, which should be ta closed book, as well as 12 open book practice tests.
- The information in this text will cover a range of topics, including definitions and calculations, as well as things like motors, electrical service, and even renewable energy. The book also has specific sections that include information on formulas. These include formulas you should know, power formulas, and even power factor formulas.
- The book is split into ten units. These units contain review material and culminate with an end of chapter quiz on what you have reviewed.
Why Choose This Best Journeyman Electrician’s Study Guide:
- For many test-takers, this is the only book they used to pass the exam. The text provides an excellent blueprint for the NEC test questions and answers.
- This is an excellent text to use if you need aid with calculations. The book opens with a chapter on basic electrical formulas.
- The author also provides potential test-takers with helpful tips on how to pass the exam and what to do before you take your test.
- Another similar text by Ray Holder is the 2020 Journeyman Electrician guide. This book also comes equipped with multiple practice exams and questions. This new text has been updated for 2020, though much of the review material remains the same, making the 2020 text still suitable to use.
- Holder, Ray (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 420 Pages - 02/15/2017 (Publication Date) - Brown Technical Publications Inc (Publisher)
Last update: 2025-02-18
Audel Electrical Course for Apprentices and Journeymen, All New 4th Edition by Paul Rosenberg
Another excellent text for preparing for the Journeyman electrical exam is Audel Electrical Course for Apprentices and Journeymen. This is a heavily detailed text which looks to provide as much information as possible for passing your electrical exams. Paul Rosenberg has written a number of helpful electrical reference texts and is even a master electrician himself. With this text, you have all of the information you need to pass the exam.
What Makes it Unique:
- Audel Electrical Course contains 37 chapters on an abundance of concepts, terms, and practical applications of electrical information. This includes things like ground testing, rectifiers, magnetic circuits, and so much more.
- Each chapter contains questions that pertain to the information reviewed in the given chapter. Sample questions include explaining the effects of current on a compass needle or even more straightforward questions about telling the difference between neutrons and protons.
- Italicized keywords can be found throughout the text. This notates vital vocabulary, which is pertinent for the exam and your electrical career.
- Each chapter also includes diagrams and illustrations, which further help readers retain information and provide just the right amount of detail. This book can be used in conjunction with classroom instruction or as a self-study text.
Why Choose This Best Journeyman Electrician’s Study Guide:
- If you aim to find a comprehensive reference text, this is it. Though this book lacks the addition of practice exams, it is meant to be used with Audel’s other purely exam-focused books.
- Used Book in Good Condition
- Rosenberg, Paul (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
Last update: 2025-02-18
Runner Ups for Best Journeyman Electrician’s Study Guide
Journeyman Electrician Exam Secrets Study Guide: Electrician Test Review for the Electrician Exam by Mometrix
The Mometrix Journeyman Electrician is another popular option when preparing for passing electrical exams. The book is aimed at making studying as easy and painless as possible. Outside of providing the needed content for review, Mometrix has also worked to provide information on how to study in the most effective way possible.
What Makes it Unique:
- The authors have heavily researched the Electrician exam to provide relevant and helpful training materials. They have also taken into account the most common mistakes that test takers make and provide you with tips to avoid doing the same.
- The book starts off by providing test takers with the five secret keys for doing well on your exam. It then moves into test-taking strategies. Once it has provided you with this foundational information, the electrical review can begin.
- Review sections within the text include electrical theory, electrical code, and even how to overcome anxiety when taking your exam.
- The text describes in detail a variety of concepts and vocabulary using illustrations and diagrams. These are items that will be discussed on the exam and are extremely important. Underlying concepts include the functions of motors, switch and design types, conductors, and so much more.
Why Choose This Best Journeyman Electrician’s Study Guide:
- This text provides a simplified approach to exam prep. This allows the material to be more understandable and easily retained.
- The samples and practice questions are an excellent resource. However, most students rave about the five secrets to test-taking success. They aid them in studying more effectively and even provide tips on how to go about taking the exam.
- Overall, purchasers are impressed with the guide. They found it to be well written, and the smaller goals provided were easy to follow and attainable.
- Used Book in Good Condition
- Electrician Exam Secrets Test Prep Team (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
Last update: 2025-02-18
Value Picks for Best Journeyman Electrician’s Study Guide
Mike Holt's Electrical Exam Preparation textbook, Based on the 2017 NEC by Mike Holt
Mike Holt’s electrical exam prep is a great option when used in conjunction with other study materials. He has written several electrical exam prep books and texts for understanding electrical code. There are also several free Mike Holt videos on his website, which offer extra help and can even be used in conjunction with the text.
What Makes it Unique:
- Holt’s text is designed to be used in the classroom or at home for self-study. Helpful information in the book includes an overview of electrical theory for ease of understanding, information on electrical calculations, and even step by step guides for solving common problems on the exam.
- If you need help brushing up on electrical code, there are over a thousand questions to help you do so. Unlike some texts which only show odd or even answers to questions, a full answer key is provided.
- The text also includes several colored diagrams and illustrations to draw your attention and make remembering concepts easier.
- The book starts with a review of electrical theory and builds as it continues. It is also separated into units that group the information you need to know. Units include Electrician’s math, circuits, conductor sizing, and more.
Why Choose This Best Journeyman Electrician’s Study Guide:
- Though for some, this text is a pricey option, many readers feel that it is well worth the money. Some test takers even attribute this book to much of their success on the official exam. Though there are some known errors in the text, the changes can easily be found online to ensure you have the correct information.
- Holt writes the text in a manner that is easy to understand and grasp. He also provides a fair amount of information and detail, especially on the text’s illustrations.
- Mike Holt (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 736 Pages - 02/20/2025 (Publication Date) - Mike Holt Enterprises (Publisher)
Last update: 2025-02-18
How to Choose the Best Journeyman Electrician’s Study Guide for You
Choosing the best journeyman electrician’s study guide is essential for passing the official exam. These books aid in summarizing all of the information you have been studying and practicing through your years as an apprentice. The licensing exam is a significant milestone in your electrician career, and you need to pass the exam.
Is the journeyman electrician test hard?
This is a common question and one which can be answered simply. The test is difficult not for the material which will be on it but the level of understanding that you will need to pass it. The test is conducted on a state by state basis where students are tested on National codes and electrical theory. Passing this test is needed if you hope to one day become a master technician. For this reason, choosing the right study guide is essential.
When choosing a text, you should do your research. You must also assess the material which you struggle with and which may warrant extra help. You can start by exploring a book’s table of contents as well as reviews. This will let you know at a glance if the book has the information that you need.
Once you have reviewed the information, you should also check if the books have practice materials and questions. Though you can certainly use more than one text when studying for the exam, it is ideal that one book will have all the information you need. However, reference texts are also an essential part of studying for the exam. These are texts like Audel Electrical Course for Apprentices and Journeymen. Though this book does not have designated practice materials, it is a one-stop-shop for electrical information.
Wrapping Things Up: The Best Journeyman Electrician’s Study Guide Books
Putting everything together, in this guide we reviewed the following:
Last update: 2025-02-18
Wouldn’t it be nice to pass the Journeyman Electrician’s exam on the first try? With the books on this list, you can do just that. These books serve as helpful supplemental guides to all of the work you have been doing as an electrical apprentice. They take everything you have learned through application and practice and put it in text format.
2017 Journeyman Electrician Exam Questions and Study Guide is one of our favorites written by an electrical master, Ray Holder. Ray Holder has written several electrical textbooks, including several other books for test-taking tips. Another great option is Mike Holt’s Electrical Exam Preparation textbook, which can be used for classroom or self-study.
Regardless of which text you choose; these texts will help you not only pass the journeyman exam but retain electrical information to help you in your career in the future.
You might also want to check our post on the best Journeyman Plumber’s Study Guides here.
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