A low GPA is something we don’t wish for but often have to deal with in school. Unfortunately, it can slow your chances of achieving your dreams if you don’t know how to handle it. But you’re here already with a low GPA and can’t do much about it. Yet, you want to attend a top college, so you’re asking about your chances of getting into a T20 college with a low GPA.
We understand that a low GPA doesn’t necessarily mean you’re dull; some circumstances could have contributed. Thus, we’re offering you a way out with this well-researched article on how to get into a T20 with a low GPA. Let’s go!
What are the T20 Schools?
As the name signifies, T20 schools refer to the top 20 schools in the United States based on various ranking indices, including research output, academic rigor, and community engagement. These schools are generally popular for their excellence in scientific research, students’ academic improvement, extracurriculars, etc. T20 schools are often considered prestigious among a wide variety of schools under different categories, and students of these schools can enjoy several benefits.
According to data pulled from the US News and word reports below is a table with a comprehensive list of the T20 schools and their acceptance rates.
School Name | Acceptance Rate % |
Princeton University | 5.8 |
Harvard University | 4.6 |
Columbia University | 5.4 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | 6.7 |
Yale University | 6.1 |
Stanford University | 4.3 |
University of Chicago | 6.2 |
University of Pennsylvania | 7.7 |
California Institute of Technology | 6.4 |
John Hopkins University | 11.2 |
Northwestern University | 9.1 |
Duke University | 7.6 |
Dartmouth College | 7.9 |
Brown University | 7.1 |
Vanderbilt University | 9.1 |
Rice University | 8.7 |
Washington University in St. Louis | 13.9 |
Cornell University | 10.9 |
University of Notre Dome | 15.8 |
University of California, Los Angeles | 12.3 |
How Hard Is It to Get Into the T20 Schools?
Let’s face the fact – T20 schools are difficult to get into, even for the most exceptional students. So, you may struggle to get in, irrespective of your profile. But that’s not to say you don’t have any chance at all.
You must understand that the volume of applications most T20 schools receive from well-qualified applicants makes them very competitive. For example, Harvard University received 9,553 applications for its early decision admissions in 2023. However, only 722 students were admitted in this category representing a 7.56 admission rate. That said, you must strive towards fitting into the average application pool in your choice school, which may require you to be among the top 1% of the graduating students in your set. This means being among the top percentile in academic performance, test scores, personal projects, notable mentions, and extracurriculars.
To put into perspective, here are some areas T20 schools usually look at when reviewing applications.
- Academic performance: the competition for admission means that most T20 schools can focus on admitting only the best in terms of academic performance. So, going by data made available by the office of institutional research at Yale University applicants typically want their GPA to reach 3.95+, and their SAT scores at 1550+. But that’s not to say you can’t get into a T20 school with a lower GPA (more on that later).
- Ambition and interest: most top colleges seek students who truly want their school. Therefore, they typically look out for applicants with sufficient ambition and interest in their school. In addition to academic performance, college admissions officers can determine this by looking at your application essay.
- Potentials: most T20 schools want to stick to students who can prove worthy investments for the future. Different schools have different criteria for determining this. For some, it’s the ability to do well in athletics while in school, while for others, it can be the ability to represent the school in academic competitions.
Other criteria for admission into T20 schools include:
- Creativity
- Ethical and moral sophistication
- Openness to learning, etc.
Can You Get Into a T20 School with a Low GPA?
The simple answer to this question is yes! Every year, we see students talk about their chances of getting into top colleges. During these discussions, one topic that always arises is whether they stand any chance with top colleges if they don’t have strong GPAs. The truth is that different students perform differently in their tests and exams, so not all students will graduate high school with stellar academic performances.
That said, it is still possible for you to get into a top college with a relatively low GPA. You just need to know how to augment your low GPA with the other qualities a school seeks. A low GPA might push you straight down the admission pile, but the admissions committee may still look at a few factors before determining where you truly belong.
For example, students from very difficult high schools may experience massive disparities between their GPA and test scores. If this is the case, admission officers may overlook your low GPA and look more at your test scores, essays, and extracurriculars, where you’ll have your best shot. Please note that this is only possible based on the severity of your GPA and the strength of other components of your application.
If, despite having a low GPA, you do not do well in other areas to go with it, you’ll have a very low chance of getting into a top 20 college.
5 Tips to Increase Your Chances of Getting Accepted with a Low GPA
Now that we’ve talked so much about T20 colleges and their requirements for good grades, you’re probably wondering how to get into a good college with a low GPA. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. Here are useful tips that you can leverage to improve your chances.
Work on Improving Your GPA If it’s Not Too Late
You’re in this situation because your GPA does not measure enough for admission into a top college. So, there’s no better place to begin than improving your GPA if you still can. This is doable if you’re still a freshman, sophomore, or first-semester junior. Some of the ways to improve your GPA include:
- Seek support from your teachers, academic advisors, or tutor
- Take an easier course load to improve your unweighted GPA
- Add courses you’re particularly good at into your course load
Work on Your Test Scores
As an older student, you may not be able to improve your GPA, but you can work on your test scores. If your GPA is not good enough, you can always rely on your test scores to balance out any concerns about your academic abilities. Even if you’re applying to a test-optional school, we recommend that you still try out the SAT or ACT and do well in it. Some of the things you can do to bump up your test scores include:
- Review your past test performances and determine your commonly made mistakes
- Set a target score and work towards reaching it
- Form study groups with like-minded students
Explain Any Extenuating Circumstances
A low GPA does not always mean you’re not bright enough. Dealing with certain difficult life circumstances like illnesses, economic hardship, and family emergencies can also impact your grades. Colleges know how much these circumstances can impact your GPA; thus, they’re always willing to listen to you.
Come clear to them about these circumstances with proof that you could do better if not for these circumstances. Avoid being too defensive or blaming others. Keep it simple, sincere, and direct to the point.
Get Strong Recommendation Letters
Whether you’re applying to the easiest T20 to get into or not, recommendations are still highly valuable. The college admissions committee want to see strong recommendations from respected people. So, it’ll make sense to ask your teacher, guidance counselor, or coach to pay more attention to the words they write about you. An ideal letter should capture and emphasize your personality, talent, academic capabilities, and background.
Don’t Hide Your Non-Academic Skills
In addition to your academic abilities, most colleges want to see other values you can bring to the school. This is where non-academic talents and skills come into play. If you have any skills that can stand you out, talk about them. For example, if you’ve won a national science fair, that could be a pointer to innovative and fast-thinking skill. Leading a successful community development project can also show your strong leadership skills and make a case for you during the admission process.
Wrapping Things Up: How to Get Into a T20 with a Low GPA?
With everything we’ve said so far, you can see that although T20 colleges are very prestigious, it’s still possible to get in with a relatively low GPA. However, the chances are slim, and you’d have to work double to beat the competition.
One of the best ways to improve your chances is to aim for a high SAT score. Grades and test scores are often combined as one unit during the admission process, so doing exceptionally well in one can complement any deficiency in the other. In the end, it boils down to being a well-rounded student, and that’s why we’ve reviewed some tips in this article that can help you.