Would you like to find out why do students hate school and the ways that you can do things differently to make your time at school enjoyable? A lot of people will spend almost one-third of their lives in some form of school environment, so it is important for us to understand the reasons why students don’t like school so that we can work on changing that.
Going through school without having a negative attitude towards the institution will help us get more from the experience. In this article, we will go through the reasons and ways to alleviate the issues.
What Percentage of Student Hate School?
It may be difficult to find out what percentage of students hate school, but we can safely say it is between 60-80%. Here is a document with more detailed numbers.
Why Do Students Hate Homework?
Some students have many reasons to hate school, and homework is one of them. A lot of students do not like getting and doing homework for a variety of reasons. Let’s explore some of these reasons now.
Repetitious to things already learned
A lot of times, teachers will give their students homework to reinforce what they taught in adolescence, however, a lot of students will find these all marked as being repetitious and irrelevant.
A student that gets an assignment that only covers things that they did in a previous lesson may see this as a waste of their time, and they will develop resentment towards it. Teachers should work on communicating the importance of this type of homework so that the students can understand.
Want time outside of school to things outside of school
We can relate to looking forward to the sound of the bell that signifies the end of the school day because we are excited to do things not related to school after school is finished. One sore spot of getting homework is the fact that homework takes away time that kids could otherwise use for things not concerning school. Many students believe that their time outside of school should be exactly that, time outside of school.
Parents monitoring may be uncomfortable
A lot of parents will take an active role in their child’s education, especially when it comes to homework. They will ensure that the child or children does their own work and does it properly.
Parents may also see this as an opportunity to spend time with the kids, but they don’t always appreciate it. Some children do not like being helicoptered, and they feel uncomfortable as they may see their parents monitoring their homework as another way of being controlled.
Like an adult who is tired after a long day at work, students are sometimes tired after leaving school. The fact that they need to go home and do homework is going to be frustrating when they couple that with their tiredness. Sometimes the child may be physically fine but mentally tired. Teachers should take this into account when issuing homework so that they don’t overburden the students.
Insufficient knowledge
If a student does not fully grasp a topic in class, it can be quite frustrating when they are giving homework on the same topic. Imagine if you are given an assignment on something you don’t completely understand, you may find this to be a little bothering, especially if it happens often. Teachers should make sure that their students understand the topics being taught as much as possible and do not expect the child or their parents to figure it out on their own after they get home.
Hatred of research
Some people just don’t like to do research. Sometimes the homework topic is based on something the student does not know or have sufficient information on. Whatever this occurs, research will be required to complete the homework. If you are a student that does not like to do research, this type of homework may upset you.
Unfortunately, there may not be many ways around this as your teachers will give this type of homework because it is easier for you to understand the topic when covered in class if you previously researched it on your own.
9 Common Reasons Why Students Hate School
Not all students are the same, and as such, not all students have the same reasons for not liking school. If a parent or teacher wants to improve a child’s experience at school, they need to determine why the student does not like the environment. Here are some common reasons why students do not like being at school.
Some students learn in ways not accommodated by teachers
Some students learn in ways that are not exactly traditional. If teachers aren’t able to relay the information in a way that the student can relate to it, the student may develop a hatred of school. This is most common whenever there are multiple classes with the same issue.
If you are a parent and notices that your student isn’t able to relate to the way teachers express information, you will need to speak with a counselor to find a better situation for the child.
Inability to make and maintain friendships
Friendships are important at any stage in life, but even more so as a child. Unfortunately, not all kids can make friends easily. If children are unable to make friends, they may find their environment uncomfortable.
In addition to not having friends, a very common reason children hate school is that they are bullied. A lot of students are bullied because of something that makes them different from the majority.
There are different ways that parents and students can handle bullying, so try to find the best approach that will assist the student in the situation and help them handle similar situations going forward. Sometimes an approach needs to be made from the angle of the bullies themselves.
Peer pressure
Individuality can often be viewed as an imperfection or an unacceptable trait by many people, and this leads to peer pressure. Some kids will try to force their peers to be more like them or do something they are not comfortable with, regardless of whether it is right or wrong. This type of pressure affects people differently and can affect kids in a very negative way. Parents should work on good communication with their children to help them go through any such situation that occurs.
Uncomfortable social system
Even though a child may not be pressured to be a part of the cool kids, they may feel insecure or uncomfortable because they view themselves as being different. This is not uncommon, and whenever signs of this are noticed, parents should speak with their kids to find out what situation they would feel more comfortable in or what can be done for them to feel more comfortable in the current situation.
Inability to see how lessons being taught now relates to their future
Many children are already planning their ideal future, and if the information being dispersed at school does not match up with that, they may feel down as they may see their plans slipping away on what they consider to be irrelevant school subjects.
It is always best for teachers and parents to come together with students to ensure that their class courses line up with their dreams and help them understand why their current classes are important, even if they don’t see it now.
Problems with authority
Some students just don’t like to be controlled. Schools have many authority figures, from teachers to counselors to principals, and the list goes on. If a child does not respond well to authority, you can imagine how they feel when placed in an environment where this is all they are exposed to.
Restrictions placed on thinking
In some classes, students are not encouraged to think freely and come up with their own views. If a student likes to think outside of the box or simply come up with things in their own way, they will not feel comfortable and will soon begin to dislike a system such as that.
Lack of desired classes or extracurricular activities
Sports and clubs not only provide a competitive way for students to learn and enjoy new things, but they also offer a way for students to build friendships and camaraderie. Kids that join extracurricular activities can find that school becomes more pleasant and even fun because they have something outside of classroom work to look forward to.
How to Not Hate School: 5 Ways to Enjoy School
Now we will look at some ways that you can improve the way you feel about school.
Eat Well
Looking at the topic, you may be wondering what food has to do with how you enjoy your time at school. Have you ever heard of the phrase, a hungry man is an angry man? Students that eat well and aren’t hungry find it easier to focus than students that go to classes on empty stomachs. Make sure that you eat breakfast and lunch so that you would be distracted by your rumbling tummy.
Rest Well
Similarly to eating well, resting is of great importance as it relates to how you feel when you are at school. When you are tired, it is easier for you to get grumpy, frustrated, and sleepy during lessons. All of these can contribute to students not enjoying their time at school. Make sure that you get a good night’s rest before you go to school.
Make Friends
Good friends are sometimes better than money in your pocket. Having good friends at school can make your time more enjoyable. Friends are people who will relate to the situation you are in, and you can speak to them about things you have in common. Friends can often take your mind off school’s stress and help you have fun while learning.
Choose courses that you like
It can be quite frustrating and uncomfortable for students to sit through lessons that they do not enjoy nor relate to. Because of this, you must choose courses that you enjoy and relate to. Selecting courses that you like will greatly improve the quality of your school life.
Find fun clubs or sport teams
Extracurricular activities are great ways for you to find enjoyable moments while at school. Try to join a sports team or a club to build friendships while doing something that you enjoy. Extracurricular activities also allow you to compete and build your college resume.
Wrapping Things Up: Why Do Students Hate School?
There are many combinations of factors that can lead to students not liking their school. Parents should remember that every child is different, and not every environment may be the best one for their child or children. If you notice that your child is struggling in school and don’t like going to school, it is best for you first to understand why and then help them find solutions that can fix the problem.
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