Are you an adult looking to prepare for the GED exam and struggling to find adequate materials? Are you tired of needing a computer to study and in need of physical GED books as well as GED practice tests? If that is the case, you have picked the perfect place to begin your search. The GED or General Educational Development Test is designed to test you on the core components learned in high school. These components include reasoning through language arts mathematical reasoning, social studies, and science.
This list will provide you with the best GED prep books that will show you how to prepare for the GED and what material you should be studying. Save yourself the frustration of flipping through high school textbooks or even spending countless hours looking for the right review material online. We are here to help you not only pass but exceed your expectations; all you must do is keep reading.
If you’re not taking the GED and instead looking to take the SAT, check out our comprehensive guide to the best SAT review books here. For ACT test takers, go here.
If you want to just get back to studying, get our top pick for GED prep book here.
Last update: 2025-02-18
Our Favorites for the Best GED Prep Books
GED Test Prep Plus 2022-2023: Includes 2 Full Length Practice Tests, 1000+ Practice Questions, and 60 Hours of Online Video Instruction (Kaplan Test Prep) by Caren Van Slyke
Kaplan Test Prep has continuously been a leader in providing test prep materials for tests like the SATs, AP exams, and even the TOEFL. However, they also provide materials for the GED test as well. GED Test Prep Plus comes jammed pack with information for you to use to prepare for the GED test. This information includes not only the best GED study guides but tips, strategies, and practice tests as well.
What Makes It Unique:
- The material in this book is aligned with the content on the actual GED exam. Kaplan serves as an official partner for the online preparation for the test. This partnership gives you an advantage when using this book. This text is also aligned with the objectives of the GED test.
- This text also includes more than 1000 practice questions. These questions include detailed explanations to aid you in understanding what was done to solve the problem and how you can apply it to similar problems.
- Aside from the practice questions that it offers, you will also receive two practice exams. One is in the book, and the other is available online.
- The material in this guide has been written and reviewed by teachers and staff who not only know the ins and outs of the test but of how different students learn as well.
- GED Test Prep Plus includes pretests for each of the four areas and is divided by each subject area. The answers to the pretest and unit tests are included at the end of the book.
- A formula sheet, as well as information about the test, is included as well to help students prepare.
Why Choose this GED Book:
- This book comes highly recommended from students just like you who have taken and passed the GED exam. Some students even said it was the best resource available.
- This book is designed for self-study and is the best GED review book if you are not looking to have classroom instruction.
- All four subject areas are included with this review book, which saves you from buying multiple books for each subject.
- Many students also raved about the test, which is included in this book. They aid in pinpointing the exact material which you should spend more time retaining.
- Van Slyke, Caren (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 780 Pages - 11/30/2021 (Publication Date) - Kaplan Test Prep (Publisher)
Last update: 2025-02-18
Princeton Review SAT Premium Prep, 2023: 9 Practice Tests + Review & Techniques + Online Tools (College Test Preparation) by The Princeton Review
The Princeton Review continuously provides prep books which allow students to achieve their best scores. The Cracking the GED book includes content which is aligned with the GED exam and strategies which you can use to do well. This book also comes with review material for all four content areas of the exam.
What Makes it Unique:
- Aside from offering more than 700 questions for students to practice with, there are also two full-length GED practice tests within the book. These tests also come with full answers and explanations. Answers to all questions are also included at the end of the text.
- If you think the material in this book isn’t enough, the Princeton Review offers supplemental material online which is available to all students who purchase this book. All you must do is utilize the ISBN found in the book to access the online bonus content.
- Bonus online content includes tutorials for reading & comprehension as well as more than 350 more drill questions.
- If having amazing content wasn’t enough, with the purchase of Cracking the GED students can get 20% off the official GED practice test.
- Before beginning to prepare for the exam, there is a self-assessment which students are encouraged to take. These self-assessments are used to determine the level of confidence with a specific subject. Based on the answers provided on this assessment, students will be guided to various sections of the book or supplemental online material for help.
Why Choose this GED Book:
- If you are looking for a book that is guaranteed to be in alignment with the GED test, this is the book for you. The Princeton Review is one of the publishers included in the GED Publisher Program. This program ensures that the content of this book meets the objectives of the GED test at 100%.
- Cracking the GED is highly recommended and is a favorite among test takers. Many have also said that the book is easy to follow and understand.
- The Princeton Review (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 832 Pages - 06/07/2022 (Publication Date) - Princeton Review (Publisher)
Last update: 2025-02-18
The Runner-Ups for the Best GED Prep Books
GED Study Guide 2023-2024 All Subjects - 3 Full-Length Practice Tests by Mometrix High School Equivalency Test Team
This GED Prep book is courtesy of Mometrix High School Equivalency Test Team. This guide aims at not only providing relatable, real-life examples but also being an easy read. Though this book does come highly rated, it is not endorsed or approved by the GED Testing Service like similar titles.
What Makes it Unique:
- The comprehensive review within this text does not merely gloss over subjects. It provides in-depth reviews and practice questions for students to use while studying.
- Some concepts even include links to supplemental material online. This material includes videos of teachers explaining concepts that student may otherwise have trouble with understanding. On these videos, professors will break down concepts in hopes that you retain and understand the information. These videos can be played for as long as you would like, a countless number of times. There is a video included for each section.
- Each section includes a plethora of concepts to review and utilize to prepare for a high score on the exam. These include things like reading comprehension, ecosystems, probability, critical thinking, geography, and so much more.
Why Choose this GED Book:
- If you are looking for one of the best GED prep books to aid you in getting over your test-taking anxiety, you’ve found it. The strategies in the book are recommended by readers and users just like you.
- The book is structured in a way which allows you to walk through each section and the associated questions easily.
- Bowling, Matthew (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 484 Pages - 01/09/2022 (Publication Date) - Mometrix Media LLC (Publisher)
Last update: 2025-02-18
The GED Tutor Study Guide 2022 - 2023 All Subjects: GED Prep Book with 3 Complete Practice Tests: (5th Edition) by APEX Test Prep
This GED prep book is courtesy of Apex Test Prep. With each GED Study Guide 2019 All Subjects students get tips, review material, practice questions, and so much more. The guide aims to not only help you score the highest score possible but also curb test-taking anxiety and provide instructions that will be beneficial when taking the actual GED exam.
What Makes it Unique:
- GED Study Guide 2019 All Subjects is divided into different sections for each subject. Each area includes a review of core concepts, practice questions, and explanations to these questions. There are also extended response questions to use when reviewing for the Language Arts portion of the exam.
- This text also comes with the option to receive a free DVD. This DVD contains study tips and helpful strategies for taking the exam.
Why Choose this GED Book:
- Users who purchased this book say that it was excellent preparation for the exam and that it aided them in learning the information needed to pass the exam.
- When looking for a book of high quality and tremendous value, this is one of the best GED books offered.
- This book comes with information from all the various subject areas. Therefore, this book can be used to prepare for all areas of the test.
- If you are looking for a guide which is not only comprehensive yet compact, this is the perfect option. The information has been shaved down to include only what will be needed for the exam with no filler text.
- Lanni, Matthew (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 427 Pages - 02/05/2022 (Publication Date) - APEX Test Prep (Publisher)
Last update: 2025-02-18
McGraw-Hill Education Preparation for the GED Test, Fourth Edition 4th Edition by McGraw-Hill Editors
If you have been paying attention to the various textbooks which are available you would have seen the name McGraw-HIll before. This company is responsible for several high school and even college textbooks.
What Makes it Unique:
- This book contains more than 1000 practice problems to aid students in preparing for the exam. These questions include answers and detailed explanations.
- McGraw-Hill Education Preparation for the GED Test offers extensive multi-chapter reviews for the various core areas, each ending in a practice test to ensure that you have retained the material that was taught.
- The text also comes with an entire section dedicated to pretests in each subject area as well as a guide on how to utilize this information in the book.
- Aside from providing practice tests and an ample amount of practice problems, there are quizzes placed throughout the test to gauge your progress and level of information retention.
Why Choose this GED Book:
- Users raved that this book was the perfect self-study option. Not only are the practice tests helpful, but the reviews are also in-depth, and it provides sample questions that were seen throughout the actual GED test.
- If you are looking for more help in specific areas, several students have mentioned that the math review provided in this book is unmatched, even by top competitors. The explanations are easy to understand and don’t require further clarification.
- McGraw Hill Editors (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 1008 Pages - 04/28/2021 (Publication Date) - McGraw Hill (Publisher)
Last update: 2025-02-18
The Value Picks for the Best GED Prep Books
GED Study Guide 2022 and 2023 All Subjects: GED Test Prep Book with 2 Practice Exams: (7th Edition) by Test Prep Books
Test Prep Books is a significant contender in the standardized test preparation space. They have published countless books relation to not just the GED but the GRE and even the CDL. They keep the test taker in mind and aim to provide useful content which will aid you in getting the best score possible. Their study guides work on providing four tools. These tools include strategies for test-taking, a comprehensive review of the material, practice tests, and detailed explanations to accompany these tests.
What Makes it Unique:
- The GED Study Guide 2019 All Subjects Test Prep Book & Practice Test Questions includes strategies and the top test-taking tips available to aid students in saving time and avoiding simple mistakes that have the potential to affect their scores drastically.
- The detailed explanations which accompany all questions in the text provide material to show you how to solve problems and ensure that you do not make the same mistakes multiple times.
- The book also provides information on scoring. This info helps students understand what is needed for each of the four levels. These levels include “not passing,” “GED passing score,” “GED college-ready,” and “GED College Ready + Credit.”
Why Choose this GED Book:
- All types of people have used this book. These people include students and even GED instructors. Many teachers attested to using this book to brush up on content and find practice questions when teaching various GED courses.
- The book is well organized and concise. It provides the information students need to know with no added fluff.
- Many students are confident after using just this book they will pass the GED exam, and most have.
- Rueda, Joshua (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 430 Pages - 12/29/2021 (Publication Date) - Test Prep Books (Publisher)
Last update: 2025-02-18
GED Study Question Book 2020 and 2021 All Subjects: Three Full-Length Practice Tests for GED Test Prep (3rd Edition) by Test Prep Books
If you have exhausted this list and are still in need of practice questions and GED practice tests, this is the perfect text for you. GED Preparation 2020 & 2021 All Subjects Study Questions is a complete arsenal of practice tests. This book can be used as a supplement to any of the books listed above as it does not come with a comprehensive review of all topics which will be on the exam. This book is also brought to users by Test Prep books and can be great if used in conjunction with their review book.
What Makes it Unique:
- Much like the GED review book, students can obtain a free DVD for test-taking strategies and tips. This DVD is free with the purchase of the book and available for all users.
- Each practice test separates the book and further divided by the subject of each section. The chapter directly following the practice tests are the detailed explanations and answers for that exam.
- Within this guide, there are three practice exams and answers. These also all include extended response questions for the Language area.
Why Choose this GED Book:
- You should utilize this book if you need extra practice. If you feel that you have exhausted your current arsenal of review materials, this is an excellent option if you no longer need to review the concepts but would instead need to practice them.
- TPB Publishing (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 266 Pages - 08/12/2020 (Publication Date) - Test Prep Books (Publisher)
Last update: 2025-02-18
Summary of the Best GED Prep Books
Here’s a table of what GED prep books we evaluated:
Last update: 2025-02-18
You’ll be fully prepared with whichever book or books you choose from this list. There is something on this list of everyone. If you are looking to self-study and not rely heavily on classroom help GED Test Prep Plus or Cracking the GED Test with 2 Practice Exams are the perfect options. Not only do they provide reviews and practice exams, but they also offer supplemental bonus content online. This makes them 2 of the best GED books being offered.
If these books are not enough or if you are still in need of materials, there are several other options which will aid you on your GED journey. These include GED Preparation 2019 All Subjects and McGraw-Hill Education Preparation for the GED. If you have exhausted the possibility of studying for the exam and would like to focus on practicing with a GED practice test or specific subject questions, there is also a book specifically for that. GED Preparation All Subjects Study Questions is an excellent resource for individuals who have taken a course or completed the concept of self-studying and need to practice what you have learned. Regardless of which book you have chosen all the books on this list are excellent options in preparation for the GED test. All that is left for you to do is pick a book and get started. If you apply yourself and apply the material presented, you have learned, you will be sure to get a passing score.
Want to take the SAT too? Check out our guide to the best SAT review books here.
We’ve also written a comprehensive guide to the best TASC study guide prep books and the best HiSET prep books.