17 Effective Study Tips for 12 Year-Olds

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Think back to when you were 12 years old. How did you learn a new skill? Did your parents help you grow your knowledge?

We aim to help you instill qualities in your child that they can use throughout life. Instilling new habits and showing your child tips for effective study habits can alter their thinking and lead them on a better path in life.

All you must do to give them some keys to success is keep reading. We will help you and your child think critically and stay motivated.

General Study Tips for 12-Year-OldsGeneral Study Tips for 12-Year-Olds

As a parent, you may think that you do not impact things like your child’s study habits, but you are sadly mistaken. Your child looks to you for everything, and this is no different. Use the tips below to help generate good study habits for kids.

1. Read it twice

When reading for understanding, a passage must be read multiple times. Encourage your child to read through items multiple times to facilitate understanding. The first read will be to get an understanding of the text. The second read may involve highlighting or identifying the words they do not understand and asking the passage questions. The more they continue to read, the deeper understanding will be that they develop.

2. Create a space strictly for studying

Having a place to study is usually a big dilemma for kids. Your child will need an area that is distraction-free and encourages learning. This may mean designating a specific corner of their room or another place in your home where your child can focus. Make it fun and give them the creative freedom to decorate or name their space.

3. Implement a quiet hour

If you want to cultivate study skills for elementary students, implementing a quiet hour is a great place to start. This can be any hour that fits your family’s lifestyle where your child can not only study but perform activities which would be best done in silence. Your hour mustn’t be completely quiet; playing elevator music or lo-fi beats may help productivity.

4. Take Notes

Taking notes is a major way to ensure that while you are in class and even while studying, you have pulled out the key information you need. There are several different note styles that you can take advantage of. Your child may highlight or underline any main points or add structure to your notes, like headings and titles.  There are several active note taking techniques which may be beneficial to introduce to your child.  This allows them to interact with the content they are learning which increases retention. This method introduces concepts like concept maps and shorthand symbols.

Your child’s notes should always make sense to them. Don’t try to force formatting on them or make them adhere to a certain style if they don’t learn that way. If including reference pages makes sense, add them. Some students may also opt to jot down questions in the margins of the text to revisit later. These may not make sense to you or other children, but if they help your child learn, encourage them.

5. Remove Devices

Depending on the subject your child is studying for, you may want to remove the distraction of additional devices. For example, if your child is studying vocabulary words, they will not need the TV, iPad or cell phone. Allow study time to be an internet-free zone unless you have tasks that specifically require using a mobile device. Once you put the device down you can focus on using techniques like creating flashcards or even matching images to words to retain vocabulary.

Test Prep Strategies for 12-Year-Olds

Test Prep Strategies for 12-Year-Olds

Test prep may be hard for young students, but it does not make it impossible. There are strategies you may use to implement good study habits for kids.

6. Online test prep tools

The Internet is a part of our everyday life and can be used for more than just social media and YouTube. There are several child-friendly applications which will help them study and learn. This includes sites like CoolMath4Kids and MysteryScience.com. These are only a few; there are several other options you can take advantage of.

7. Talk to a teacher

Talking to your child’s teacher may be a great way to get insight on how to help them study for upcoming exams. They may also be able to provide helpful texts or material used in the classroom, which can be supplemented at home.

8. Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a great way to keep you motivated. Words of affirmation and reassurance can go a long way when thinking about the tasks your child still has left to accomplish. Small things like offering praise, cheering them on, offering high fives, and even telling them how proud you are can go a long way.

9. Rest and Good Nutrition

Getting the proper amount of sleep and having the right nutrition before you take your exams is paramount. One thing you do not want your child to do on exam day is to get into bed late and feel fatigued in the morning. Try to create a routine the night before an exam and the morning of the test. Enforce a consistent bedtime and provide a healthy breakfast in the morning. This can be something light and nutritional that will keep them focused rather than something which will make them tired and drain their energy.

10. Plan your efforts leading up to the exam

Creating a calendar for upcoming standardized exams and traditional in-class exams may be a great idea. This calendar can be mounted in your child’s designated study area. This will aid them in having all of their important exam dates in one place. When they sit down to study, they will automatically know what items take priority.

Productive Study Tips for 12-Year-Olds

Productive Study Tips for 12-Year-Olds

Studying without a plan is a sure-fire way to fail.  Use the tips below to keep your child focused and productive while studying.

11. Take breaks

Your child should never study in large unmanageable chunks. They should be taking frequent breaks to rejuvenate their mind. This can aid them when switching subject focus and boost their energy. Use these breaks to get fresh air or even grab a snack. Research shows that these small breaks can help students focus longer.

12. Keep a planner

A planner enables good study habits for kids. Several options are designated for kids to help them stay on track.   A planner allows them to visualize the tasks they need to complete or even important activities that may be on the horizon. You can find several kids’ planners via Amazon or create one with your child. Things like Bullet journals allow your child to have creative freedom on how their planner is designed.

How to Get Motivated to Study for 12-Year-Olds?

How to Get Motivated to Study for 12-Year-Olds?

Getting your child to sit down for quiet study time will not be the easiest thing to do however the tips below will help you get them motivated and keep them motivated to do great work.

13. Incentivize their study efforts

There is nothing wrong with rewarding your child for doing well or getting a good grade. However, you do not want only to incentivize good grades; you will need them to be motivated throughout the process to obtain a favorable outcome. This means rewarding things like successful study sessions or the creation of study aids with small things like ice cream or maybe 30 extra minutes of tv time if you see they are sticking to the intended study plan.

14. Avoid Burnout

Burnout is not something that is designated for adults; kids can feel it too. You can keep your kid from getting overly stressed by setting time limits for tasks, doing breathing exercises when they feel anxious, and even avoiding cramming at the last minute.

15. Get involved at School

As a parent, your behavior can motivate your child to do well. Find some time to get involved at your child’s school. Show up for assemblies or events that are used to prep kids for standardized tests or even get involved in your child’s class. Most kids want to show their parents how good they are doing; if you are in the classroom with them, you have a front-row seat.

16. Work with them

Outside of showing up at the school for your child, you also need to show up within the home. If your child is frustrated, don’t just leave them to “figure it out.”  Sit down and help them. Explain what they are doing wrong and allow them to explain their thought process to you. This can aid them in seeing their mistakes and ultimately rectifying them.

Essential Study Habits for 12-Year-Olds

Essential Study Habits for 12-Year-Olds

When you think about studying there are several baseline habits that come to mind.  The tips below will help your child build a foundation for their study practice.

17. Review your Notes

Notes are not just things to do to keep you busy in class. Effective notes will help during test prep and when your child may not have their textbook handy. Notes should be reviewed regularly to ensure the necessary information is retained. It also will help in identifying what gas still needs to be closed.

Bonus Tips

Bonus Tips

18. Know your child’s learning style

Helping them figure out their learning style early is a great way to help them in the long run. Some students learn better by seeing examples, whereas others may need directions. Classrooms often cannot cater to all styles; therefore, it is important to make this distinction early to incorporate it at home. There are several quizzes which will help you determine if your child is visual, kinesthetic or auditory.

19. Ask for help

Your child should never be afraid to ask for help when struggling. Please encourage your child to not only ask you for help but their teacher as well. As the person who creates the lessons and assignments, your student’s teacher is a great place to start when they are confused. If you cultivate an environment in the home which facilitates asking questions, they will have no problem doing it in school.

Wrapping Things Up Effective Study Tips for 12-Year-Olds

You can do several things to help cultivate study skills for elementary students. This list only scratches the surface. The most important thing you can do is remain present and active inside and outside the classroom. Please work with your child’s teacher to better understand what your child is experiencing in class and apply it at home.  We hope these tips will provide you with how to improve study time for kids.

Picture of Professor Conquer
Professor Conquer

Professor Conquer started Conquer Your Exam in 2018 to help students feel more confident and better prepared for their tough tests. Prof excelled in high school, graduating top of his class and receiving admissions into several Ivy League and top 15 schools. He has helped many students through the years tutoring and mentoring K-12, consulting seniors through the college admissions process, and writing extensive how-to guides for school.

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