If you think that you or your child may be getting bored in class, then it’s time for you to start looking at the options. Some schools will work with children to help them get more advanced learning during their regular class time. Others might allow the student to skip ahead. But if you don’t know how to skip a grade in Pennsylvania, you may not know what to do to get started.
If you believe that you or your child are capable of skipping a grade and would do better in a higher grade level, there are a few essential things to keep in mind. Remember, skipping a grade can be difficult, but it’s going to be between the student and the school district to determine if it’s the right course of action. Usually, it’s going to depend on an acceleration test to skip a grade.
How Does Skipping a Grade Work?Â
The first thing to look at when you’re considering skipping a grade is just how the process actually works. It’s done slightly differently depending on where you’re located and what grade you’re looking to skip. However, there are some aspects that are standard. For example, you’ll generally need to take a test to skip a grade. You’ll also usually need to fill out an application of some sort even to be considered.
Talk With Your Parents
One of the first things you’ll need to do is talk with your parents about possibly moving up a grade. They will be your primary asset in the process of trying to skip a grade. Make sure you explain why you want to skip a grade to them and get them on your side first.
Talk With Your Teachers
Talking with the teachers you’re already studying with is another essential part of the process. These are the people who know your school performance the best, and they will be able to look at your classwork to get a better idea of whether a move is right for you. They’re another great asset when it comes time to talk with other school officials.
Talk With Your Counselor
When you’re in school, your assigned counselor is more than just a mental health advocate. They’re also in charge of helping you with your schedule. So, talk with them about your interest in moving up a grade. They’ll also be able to coordinate with your teacher(s) and determine what it will take for you to move up.
Go to School Officials
In most cases, you’ll need a school official to approve your move. Once you’ve got your parents, teachers, and counselors on board and you have all of the paperwork you need to prove you’re ready, it’s time to go to these officials. Keep in mind there may still be additional work that you need to do to get approval.
Take an Exam
In some schools, you may need to take an exam in order to prove you have the knowledge you need to skip to the next grade. If that’s the case, you’ll want to study well for the test and do your best. If you don’t pass it, then you may not be ready for the next grade. That doesn’t mean you can’t get a little more advanced with some of your classes even if you don’t move a full grade.
Present Proof
You may not have to take an exam, but you may have to show some type of proof that you are doing well in your current grade. It’s not going to be enough for you to say you’re bored but never do the work or have a bad GPA. While these might happen because the work is not challenging, it’s not going to give the right impression. It may also make it hard to skip a grade. Showing that you are acing your classes will provide better proof.
What are the Guidelines to Skip a Grade in Pennsylvania?Â
In Pennsylvania, the guidelines to skip a grade are actually set by the schools themselves. This means that the school you attend has the right to approve or deny your request to skip a grade. The state says very little in this situation and actually does not set specific guidelines for the process.
Acceleration and Enrichment Programs
The only thing that the state provides for is that each district should have options for acceleration and enrichment. This means that students are able to skip a grade, or they are able to skip over some of the curricula to get more advanced education in specific areas.
Operational Responsibility
This is what Pennsylvania refers to when they say that districts have the right to set their own rules for skipping grades. They refer to it as the operational responsibility of the district. This means that they are responsible for figuring out how and when students are able to skip grades or specific material in the classroom.
What IQ Score is Required for Grade Skipping?Â
When skipping a grade, there is actually no specific IQ score required in Pennsylvania. In fact, the IQ of the student has no bearing on whether or not they are allowed to skip a grade. Instead, the student is only required to exhibit that they have sufficient knowledge of the material.
Mentally Gifted – Students are considered intellectually gifted if they have an IQ of 130 or above. This, however, is not a prerequisite for the student to be able to skip over material in the classroom or to skip a full grade level.
Does Skipping a Grade Matter in College?Â
The short answer is that it’s not really important if you skip a grade during your younger years. The most important thing is for you to learn the crucial subjects and materials that will help you in college. Likewise, you may need to take specific exams to prove you have learned the material.
Plan for Exams
Depending on the grades that you skip during your middle and high school years, it’s possible that you could miss out on testing that is important to your continuing education. Ensure that you are aware of any exams that you miss that are considered benchmarks for future years. These are some of the only ways that you will be affected in college.
Plan for Outside Needs
When you apply to college, the school you choose is going to look at more than just your class schedule and grades to decide if you are granted admission. Ensure that you look at all of the factors they consider and then work on those areas for yourself. This might include getting involved in more extracurricular activities to present yourself as a well-rounded student.
Be a Good Student
In general, the most important thing is just for you to be a good student in college. If you have the grades to get in and you have at least somewhat of a well-rounded resume, you’re going to be doing great. And if you show yourself off as a good student who is willing to put in the effort, the school isn’t going to care about your age.
Helpful Tips on Skipping a GradeÂ
When it comes to skipping a grade, there are a few critical tidbits to keep in mind. We’re going to take a look at a few of the things you should know before you decide to skip a full grade.
Study the Material
Start by studying the material that the grade you’re skipping to is going to be studying. Even if you think the material you are currently studying is too easy or boring for you, that doesn’t mean you will be able to test into the next grade without even trying.
Get as Many People on Your Side as Possible
When you start out by talking with your parents and then your teachers and counselors, you’re going to make it easier to get the approval you’re looking for. School officials such as principals and administrators don’t have as much day-to-day oversight of your situation. They are more likely to take the word of others as to whether you’re ready or not.
Prepare for a New Start
Being the youngest person in a grade is not always going to be easy. It could become a problem for your social life, both with the friends you left behind in the previous grade and the possibility of making friends in your new grade. Don’t expect everything to be simple and easy when you walk into that new classroom. Be prepared for anything. This is one of the biggest cons of skipping a grade.
Don’t Expect it to Be Easy
Remember, you’re moving up a grade because your current classes are boring or easy for you. That doesn’t mean classes are going to be just as easy when you move. You’ll need to work harder to stay on top of things (or at least you should). That’s how you’ll know you’re actually in the right level.
Be Willing to Step Back
If you find that things are too overwhelming or too complicated, it’s okay to say you’ve made a mistake. It’s possible that you need a little bit of advanced education but aren’t quite ready to skip a full grade. Many schools offer programs that will allow you to advance in some subject areas but not all, or to take slightly different courses than your peers but to stay in your grade level.
Here you’ll find everything you need to know about the advantages and disadvantages of skipping grades.
Wrapping Things Up: How to Skip a Grade in Pennsylvania
If you really want to skip a grade, make sure that you’re fully prepared for what it’s going to mean. Skipping a grade could be an excellent experience for you if you’re bored in class, and you want to be more challenged. On the other hand, there could be downsides. Being fully prepared and ready for the good and the challenges is going to make a massive difference for your future.
Find everything you need to know about the advantages and disadvantages of skipping grades here.
Skipping a grade to another state? Check out our list below:
> How to Skip a Grade in New Jersey?
> How to Skip a Grade in New York?