How to Be a Good Student?

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Being a good student in school requires work and sacrifices. However, the benefits of being a good student outweigh all the efforts you’ll probably put into it. No doubt, being a good student would help you boost your academic performance. If you are wondering what to do to become a good student, this article is for you. Read on to find all the crucial steps you can take to become a good student and do better in school.

What Makes a Good Student?What Makes a Good Student?

You can’t deny that there are two types of students in school; the good or serious students and the bad or unserious students. Teachers may often say that they do not have favorites, but the truth is that some students possess certain characteristics that draw the compassion of teachers towards them. No teacher would want to go the extra length to force a bad or unserious student to learn. However, most teachers don’t care about going over topics several times until good students understand. Here are some of the characteristics that define good students.


Being organized naturally comes with being serious. Students have to keep track of every topic and material given to them by each of their teachers. For instance, it is difficult to keep track of expectations from nine different teachers of nine different high school subjects unless a student is organized. Fortunately, organization is one characteristic that can be learned. Students can also use aids like study schedules, diaries, and planners to improve their organizational skills.

Consistency and Persistency

Serious people are always known for being consistent with whatever they do. The education world is not different. Students must realize that learning doesn’t just happen as quickly as they think. It takes time, and you must be consistent throughout this time. Think about the process you went through when learning how to read. You had to follow steps laid down by your teacher until you could read fluently. With time, you’ll find that what you once considered very difficult isn’t even as difficult as you thought. With regular practice, you should be able to overcome any study difficulty.

These days, students are paying less focus on consistency. As a student, you’ll need to show basic mastery of some necessary skills in each of your study-areas, and that only comes with consistent practice.

Ability to Deal with Failure

We all know that failure is a great hindrance to the learning process. Many students get discouraged when they fail and, as such, shy away from studying further. The overwhelming feeling that comes with failure can limit a student from learning to become better. But that shouldn’t be the case. A serious student would pick lessons from failures and work towards being better. The courage to stare down failure is an incredible skill every student should have.

Experts often recommend teaching kids to look at failure rationally. This helps them to understand the gravity of failure and seek a way to overcome the consequences involved.

Partnership with Teachers

It’s a known fact that a child’s relationship with their teacher significantly affects their success in school. To become effective, a student must recognize that their teachers are their allies. However, the problem is that most students tend to see the relationship as being entirely in the teacher’s hand. That’s a wrong notion. Good students contribute to building this relationship. It begins with recognizing your teacher as a valuable resource that you must work with to succeed.

Students with this mentality are mostly easy to recognize. They actively participate in class, ask questions when necessary, and make appointments with teachers for one-on-one tutoring where they need it.


Most teachers want students to ask questions when they struggle to understand a concept that’s being taught. Asking questions is the only way a teacher would know if you don’t understand a concept. Teachers typically assume that the whole class understands a concept when no questions are asked. Good students do not shy away from asking relevant questions because they know how much it can hurt them in the future if they don’t understand a particular concept.

How to Be a Good Student in College?

How to Be a Good Student in College?

Being in college comes with its unique experience. Many people find the experience pretty overwhelming, especially as there’s so much to do with very little time to do them. Making the best of your time in college requires that you learn the good habits of successful students. These habits can seem complicated at first, but they’ll make your stay in college fun and more productive with time—some of the qualities of a good student that you should adopt include.

Always Attending Class

Yes, you are in college now, away from the supervisory eyes of your parents. At this point, you can choose to attend classes or not. Many students make the mistake of relying on a “magic number” of classes you can miss and still do well. It doesn’t always work that way because each missed class represents missed content. Some college teachers consider attendance when calculating your final grade, but even if they don’t, you will benefit significantly from always attending classes.

Note Taking

Another essential habit of successful students is taking notes. Times will come when your memory will fail you, and unless you have notes of your lessons, you may never remember them again. There’s a good reason why college professors encourage note-taking. Apart from serving as a reminder to you when studying for exams, note-taking helps make you more engaged in classroom activities.

Devout More Time to Studying

As usual, going to college comes with the temptation of abandoning your studies in pursuit of unlimited fun. While it’s good to engage in recreational activities and catch fun once in a while, you should never do it at the expense of your studies. College success typically relies on the amount of work you can do outside the classroom. Spend as much time as possible everyday studying and, if possible, study in a quiet place where there’ll be no distractions.

Join Clubs and Society

All work and no play can also become counterproductive. But you’ll need the right kind of people to play with. Fortunately, colleges have clubs and societies where you can meet and interact with like-minded people. The classroom may not be a place to follow your passion, but with like-minded people in your club, you can pursue activities you enjoy without harming your academic pursuit.

How to Be a Good Student in High School?

How to Be a Good Student in High School?

So you’ve just entered high school, and you are wondering how you can become successful. The key to being successful in high school is becoming a good student in all ramifications. It can seem difficult, but you’ll find that it’s easier and pays better to be a good student once you begin. Do we need to mention that the benefits of being a good student outweigh the work you’ll put into it? Here are some of the ways to be a great student in high school.

Pay Attention in Class

Focusing and paying maximum attention is one of the most significant ways to get ahead in high school. Since the high school settings require that you switch around from class to class, you’ll need to pay attention and follow along for every minute that you can. Note that losing attention for a moment can lead to far greater consequences as most high school lessons are built on the previous.

Create Goals and Stick to Achieving Them

The main goal of high school is to prepare you for college. At this point, it is assumed that you are already becoming an adult and should behave like one. Setting goals and pursuing them is part of the habits of adults. Start by setting goals you’ll like to achieve by the end of a term. Make plans to achieve them and stick with your plans as much as possible.

Take Risks

High school time is a time of growing up. As expected, it’s time to begin to figure out what you want. Therefore, you’ll want to learn how to take calculated risks at this point. Be brave about these risks since they’ll pay you in the future.

How to Be a Good Student in Middle School?

How to Be a Good Student in Middle School?

Like college and high school, middle school comes with its unique challenges, and a student must be ready to overcome these challenges beforehand. Yes, this comes at a period when you are in your early teens and finding it hard to concentrate. However, it takes conscious efforts on your part to do well in middle school, and the following qualities of a good middle school student will help you stand out.

Efficient Time Management

Time management is one of the essential skills you’ll need in middle school. Middle school is usually your first shot at handling challenges yourself, and learning time management will help you know when to start solving each challenge. You can start by learning to break your home works down into manageable segments, and setting a timeframe to finish them.

Get All the Needed Supplies

It’s usually difficult for anyone to focus and do well without the necessary supplies. Therefore, you’ll need to ensure that you come to class with everything you need including textbooks and writing materials. In addition to showing your teacher that you are ready to learn, this act also helps you to not panic before major class projects.

Listen Attentively and Take Notes

Nothing beats absolute focus in class. Listening to your teacher demonstrate explanations in class will help you remember those explanations during tests and exams. You’ll also need to complement your attentiveness with note-taking. Taking notes in class helps to keep you engaged and to retain a large part of the material that your teacher explains.

5 Good Habits of Successful Students

5 Good Habits of Successful Students

Becoming successful at any level requires hard work. You must be willing to go the extra to achieve greatness. Most successful students have one thing in common; they don’t just think ideas – they act on them. Here are tips for academic success that you can try to become a successful student at any level.

Study Hard

No doubt, studying hard is one of the biggest keys to becoming a successful student. However, you must realize that there are right and wrong ways to study. Don’t wait till it’s a few days before the exam date before trying to memorize several different topics. Instead, learn to review your materials several days ahead of time in small chunks. Studying in little bits will help strengthen your memory so that you can remember what you’ve read beyond examination days.

Avoid Multitasking

Many students engage in this act without knowing. Don’t try to combine different activities at once. Studies show that multitasking is physically impossible and will keep you running around circles. If you desire success, then you must be ready to take on one activity at a time and finish it before moving to another one. An excellent way to ensure this is by starting each activity early enough so that you’ll have enough time to finish it before moving to the next one.

Take Time Out to Rest

Don’t underestimate the power of rest. You are not a robot and won’t be able to keep going for hours without rest. Create a time table for your daily activities and include enough time for quality rest. Resting helps to sharpen your focus and improve your working memory. However, you must distinguish between work hours and rest hours and avoid allowing one to overlap into the time of the other for optimal results.

Avoid Procrastination

Nothing limits high school students from achieving greatness like procrastination. While procrastinating may seem like the easiest thing to do, it usually has its grave consequences. No teacher ever complains about their students finishing assignments earlier than scheduled. You’ll enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you don’t have to engage in a last-minute rush to complete a task. This character will help you become more organized in the long run.

Participate in Class

We can never overemphasize this point. Good students have a habit of asking their instructors questions when necessary. You should also be willing to provide answers when instructors ask and join group discussions when possible. Active class participation would not only make long classes less boring, but it’ll also help to facilitate an easier understanding of concepts.

Wrapping Things Up: How to Be a Good Student

Being a good student is something that’s recommended for every student. It is the primary key to becoming successful in school. However, it takes a lot of dedication from you. Anyone can learn how to become a good student by knowing the right habits and sticking to them. We’ve explained all the good practices of successful students in this article, including the right motivation to be a better student. Follow the steps in this article to do well as a student, irrespective of level or age.

Picture of Professor Conquer
Professor Conquer

Professor Conquer started Conquer Your Exam in 2018 to help students feel more confident and better prepared for their tough tests. Prof excelled in high school, graduating top of his class and receiving admissions into several Ivy League and top 15 schools. He has helped many students through the years tutoring and mentoring K-12, consulting seniors through the college admissions process, and writing extensive how-to guides for school.

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