Are you a parent preparing to homeschool high school students? Are you anxious to homeschool your child instead of sending them to traditional high school? If you can answer yes to either of these questions, you have come to the right place. Ultimately, when you think of homeschooling, it’s unlikely that you think of high school-age students. As work becomes, harder homeschooling high school students may seem harder as well. However, it doesn’t have to be.
We are here to answer some of your questions regarding how to start homeschooling and provide information on the high school homeschool options you have. In addition to answering this question, we will also provide insight into how your student receives high school credit.
Much like any decision, there are pros and cons which you must consider. Use the information within this article to decide once and for all if homeschooling is for you.
Is Homeschooling a Good Idea for High School?
Homeschooling can be a good idea, depending on you and your student’s circumstances. Some students may long for the social interactions and connections which come from school. They want school dances, they enjoy sports, and they want the opportunity for independence. For these children, homeschooling may not be the best option.
However, for others, this can be the best time to begin homeschooling. There are several ways to make homeschooling in high school successful. Many individuals generally think about social isolation, lack of exercise, and the downsides of being homeschooled; however, that is not always the case. There are several success stories regarding individuals who have been homeschooled in high school.
Highschool should be able to provide several things for its students. These things include:
- Preparing students for the real world
- Teaching individuals how to think for themselves
- Having an unwavering and consistent work ethic
- Creating a balance between social and physical health
- Having access to mentors and other role models
Though these are all things expected to be received from attending high school, they can also be obtained when homeschooled.
Teachers are often overworked and have little time to spend with individual students; therefore, their interactions are minimal. These individuals that students look to as role models do not have to be teachers or school personnel. They can be family friends, they can be managers, or they can be after school program participants.
Though you may think that these are only things that come from attending school, they can be attained in other ways within the community through technology and outside resources. Homeschooling can be an excellent idea if taken seriously and done correctly. With research and dedication, this can be a good process.
Is Homeschooling in High School Hard?
Homeschooling in high school may be challenging and intimidating, but it’s not impossible. Like going to a traditional school, homeschooling high school will not be without challenges. However, as you socialize with other homeschooling individuals and as you figure out what works for you and your child, things will get easier.
What are the Best Homeschool Programs in High School?
If you are thinking about homeschooling and don’t want to go int things alone, several high school homeschool programs can aid you in this journey. Other homeschooling parents and students highly recommend the programs listed below.
K12 offers students and parents the option of having online public schooling. This option is tuition-free, and students will follow a traditional school calendar. They even provide students with books and any other needed educational resources which are typically offered by schools. K12 gives families options that gear not only to traditional curriculums but also for career-focused possibilities for students in 6th grade and up.
Time4Learning is another option that several individuals are fond of for homeschooling. For students entering 9th grade, the program allows them to create a high school homeschool curriculum that fits their needs and guides them down a path aligned with their future goals. Students actively have a hand in creating a curriculum that appeals to their learning styles while saving you time. The system can not only teach and grade but deliver reports to you as well.
How Do Homeschoolers Get High School Credits?
This is an important question and, ultimately, one of the most crucial questions for individuals seeking to homeschool high school. There would be nothing worse than getting partway through your program and determining that your child is not on track to get their diploma. Therefore it is essential to understand these requirements well in advance.
When applying to colleges, students will generally need to submit a transcript with all of their credit information; this is no exception for homeschooled students. A high school homeschool transcript must be created for your child. You will need to work with your specific state to understand how they calculate credits and the given requirements for receiving a diploma.
There are several ways for a student to earn credit. They can do so by completing an entire textbook, taking classes at a local high school or college, or even taking an online course. One credit Is ultimately representative of a year-long length of study.
It is important to remember that in homeschooling, nothing is traditional. You may get creative not only to ensure that your child has all of their credits but that they are enjoying and retaining the course work. Though a student’s high school tenure is complete when deemed by the homeschool’s requirements, it is essential to ensure that your student’s transcript does not look subpar compared to their peers.
5 Ways to Prepare Homeschooling High School
Preparation is one of the most important things you can do when preparing to homeschool for high school. It’s important to note that this preparation starts long before 9th grade. Transitioning from middle school to high school can be a significant shift, and transitioning from traditional school to homeschooling can be challenging. The list below contains seven things that you can do to start preparing to homeschool high school.
Create a system
It’s essential to understand how your family works and the ways that you stay organized. For some families, this can mean having a calendar wall in their homes, and for others, this can mean committing to using planners regularly. Depending on you and your student’s organization style, you need to create a system that works for you.
There should also be a way to manage your student’s progress and keep track of grades within your chosen system. If you have already been homeschooling your child, this may be easier to do as you have already gotten into a routine. However, if you are new to homeschooling, be sure to explore your options.
Verify your state’s diploma requirements
One important thing that your child will gain at the end of their curriculum is their diploma. Therefore, knowing what your state requires to obtain this is vital for success. These requirements are something that you should begin to seek out long before your student is ready to start high school.
Having a plan of attack is essential for ensuring that they are doing everything they need to. Knowing this information allows you to create a schedule which directly aligns with the student’s needs and provides a timeline for completion.
Know your limits as a teacher
High school may not only get harder for your student but harder for you to teach as well. It’s essential to know your limits when it comes to what you can teach. Some parents may not be comfortable teaching advanced math or sciences, and depending on your child’s future plans, these courses may be essential.
In scenarios like this, there are other options for you to explore. One option growing in popularity is dual enrollment. This option allows your child to take courses at a local college to get college experience and get the high school courses that they need, which may be difficult for you to teach.
Find the right program for you.
Several high school homeschool programs should be considered when thinking of homeschooling. These programs can aid in shifting the responsibility from galling solely on the parent. There are generally four different types of programs that students can participate in. This includes the traditional format, blended learning, online options, and the newer version, natural learning or unlearning.
Include life skills in your lessons.
One criticism of traditional schools is that they do not adequately prepare students for the real world. Though they learn how to find the right angle of a triangle, they do not know how to balance a checkbook or give accurate change. This is something that would be beneficial to incorporate into your lessons.
As the teacher, you can not only teach your child at home but provide them with real-world experience. It may be beneficial to teach them a skill and give them ways to put it into practice. This can mean having them calculate intended change when at the store or taking them to the monuments they read about.
Pros and Cons of High School Homeschooling
Nothing in life comes without pros and cons, homeschooling included. If you are thinking about beginning a high school homeschool curriculum, several things must be considered. There are several pros and cons to consider to determine if this is the right avenue for you.
Before examining the pros that come with homeschooling high school students, we will first look at the cons.
- Without finding other avenues for social interaction, high school students may become socially isolated and develop a case of social anxiety.
- Homeschooling is also a large commitment not just for the student but for everyone involved. It requires a lifestyle change for all parties involved. Although students are not waking up and going to school every day, they must learn to stay on top of and committed to their studies. This may also require a drastic shift for the parent. You are now responsible for your child’s educational well-being.
- Homeschooling may also be a pricey investment. Though public schools may have set fees for attendance, this financial burden now falls on the parent. This burden includes spending on textbooks, spending money on educational resources, and any other items needed to ensure the schooling environment is as normal as possible.
- If you are transitioning your child from traditional school to homeschooling, there may be a lengthy adjustment period not just for your child but for the parent as well. Mornings may look different than merely dropping your child off at school. You will now need to spend more time creating lesson plans, creating schedules, and ultimately creating a curriculum that is not only beneficial but that your child will enjoy.
- Staying on track can also be difficult for some students and parents. It is important to remember that schools are not free days, and the time you spend schooling should not be used to do things like shop or relax.
- If your child plans on attending college, entrance exams will be in their near future. This means that you must make sure that they are adequately prepared and have the resources they need.
Learn everything you need to know about the negative effects of homeschooling here.
Though there are numerous cons to homeschooling your child, there are also significant benefits to it.
- Through homeschooling, students and parents can spend significantly more time together. Families can also easily schedule things like breaks and vacations without working around a traditional school schedule.
- Parents have more flexibility in deciding what material should be covered and what they can leave out. Lessons can be tailored to how your child learns, and material can be focused on subjects that they enjoy.
- Resources are growing in abundance for homeschool students. There are now technical resources as well as books that can help to make homeschooling easier. Students no longer have to feel alone with homeschooling. Through different social media avenues, students can connect with individuals in the same boat.
- Homeschool allows your child to spend more time in the real world, learning practical skills.
Wrapping Things Up: How to Homeschool High School?
Homeschooling your high school student can be scary, but it can ultimately be a rewarding process. Though taking a child out of the traditional setting may not seem like the best idea, several students and parents have found much success in homeschooling and doing things that work specifically for them. We hope that this article offers you insight into the world of homeschooling and sparks your interest in learning more.
When you think about homeschooling, what comes to mind? Is it merely a teen at a desk being taught by a parent? Fortunately, that is not the only way that homeschooling can be executed. Students now have the option to practice dual enrollment and even take courses online. If you are a working parent who is scared to commit to homeschool, there are options for you as well. Programs like K12 and Time4Learning take the stress away from homeschool and do the hard parts for you.
Ultimately, preparing to homeschool high school students is not something that can be decided overnight. You must talk with your student and understand which avenues are best for you, making the most sense for your lifestyle and family.
If you found this post helpful, you’re definitely going to like our other high school study tips here.