How Many Credits to Graduate High School in Louisiana?

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Are you a Louisiana student wondering how many credits you need to graduate high school? Here’s a detailed article on the topic. High school is an essential phase of any student’s life. It’s the phase that prepares you for the larger world. Thus, you must take it seriously and ensure total commitment to excellence. One of the first things to note when you get into high school is the high school credit chart to know how you’ll be graded.

Another thing is high school graduation requirements. Here’s a detailed article highlighting all the Louisiana high school graduation requirements you should know. Let’s go!

What is High School Credit?What is High School Credit?

High school credit is the credit given to show successful completion of a school term per course. It can also refer to the total number of credits a high school student earned after completing the years and course study required before graduating high school. Credits also measure the number of applied hours needed to successfully complete a particular course of study.

In the United States, credits are based on a Carnegie unit or 120 hours of instructional time. However, the Carnegie unit may vary from the Carnegie unit standard, while schools and different states determine credit requirements.

How Many High School Credits Do You Need in Louisiana?

How Many High School Credits Do You Need in Louisiana?

Like many other United States education authorities, the Louisiana Education board pegs the required credit score for graduating high school at 24 units or more. This means that your total credit units should be at least 24 units. This credit load should include credits in English, mathematics, and other science courses. Students must also earn at least five credit units in subjects such as Social studies, Health education, and physical education.

If you’re schooling in Louisiana, you must target a total credit unit of 24 and above to graduate successfully from high school. These credit units are also only valid if you’ve completed the required subjects, including English language, mathematics, sciences, and other electives. Each of these subjects has its credit unit score, which is as follows. In Louisiana, high school students must have as follows:

  • Four units of English
  • Four units of math
  • Four units of science
  • Four units of social studies
  • Two units of the same foreign language
  • 1 unit of arts
  • Two units of health and physical education
  • Three units in electives

What is a Graduate Exit Examination?

What is a Graduate Exit Examination?

Shortened as GEE, the Graduate Exit Examination is an examination that all high school students must take and pass before graduating. In the United States, GEE is a reference-based test implemented as part of a comprehensive standard-based education reform program to improve students’ overall learning. In Louisiana, the exam serves as a means to evaluate students’ mastery of subjects such as English language, mathematics, arts, and social studies.

Students in the state of Louisiana take the GEE from their sophomore year, and if they fail it, they are given several opportunities to retake the exams right up to when they graduate.

Students enrolled in remedial courses are not required to pass the GEE to graduate; such students are usually notified before the examinations. The graduate exit examination started in 1991 and has since gained popularity across the United States.

What is the End of Course Exam?

A new graduation exit examination has replaced the GEE, the End of course exam. GEE students were tested in 10th and 11th grades on the material they’ve been taught since 9th grade. This new test, the “End of course exams,” will not only test them at the end of each class but should also identify kids struggling in certain areas.

Students must pass three end-of-course exams to graduate: English II or English III, Algebra I or Geometry, and Biology or American History.

The end-of-course exams will be computer-based, unlike the GEE. The pass-fail results are also sooner than that of the GEE. However, it’s important to point out that the Louisiana standardized testing for high school students is undergoing some changes. While the current standard is end-of-course assessments in geometry or algebra, English language arts, U.S. history, and biology, it’s about to change. Beginning from the start of the 2025/2026 academic session, high school students will take a LEAP test to measure graduation proficiency. The test will cover the following areas:

  • English language arts
  • Algebra
  • Biology
  • S. History
  • Geometry

How Does the Louisiana Core 4 Curriculum Differ From the Louisiana Core Curriculum?

How Does the Louisiana Core 4 Curriculum Differ From the Louisiana Core Curriculum?

The Louisiana core four curricula are set for high school students, as each student is required to score 24 credit units in their required subject, with a cumulative score of 21 in all core subjects and three credit units in electives. In contrast, the Louisiana core curriculum requires students to have only 23 credit units to graduate, and out of the 23 credits, 16 credit units from core subjects and five credit units from other electives.

Students who find it rather challenging to score up to the credit score of 24, as required by the state of Louisiana, can opt for the core curriculum instead. For students who wish to enter the workforce immediately after high school rather than pursuing a higher degree in a university or college, Parental approval is needed for a student to switch from the Louisiana core 4 curriculum to the Louisiana core curriculum.

Louisiana High School Graduation Requirements

Louisiana High School Graduation Requirements

One of the most popular questions most Louisiana high school students ask is, “how many credits to graduate high school in Louisiana.” The truth is that the Louisiana high school graduation requirements follow two paths;

  • TOPS Tech diploma pathway, which is a career-focused pathway
  • TOPS University Diploma pathway, which is a pathway for college-bound students

The tech pathway requires 24 credit units, while the university diploma pathway requires 24 credit units. The course breakdown and scores differ for each pathway. Here’s a breakdown

For the tech pathway, students are required to take the following:

  • Four units of English
  • Four units of math
  • Two units of science
  • Two units of social studies
  • Two units of health and physical education
  • Nine units from the ”jump-start” sequence

These can include work experience or other approved credentials, with at least one credential based in a particular industry.

The university pathway requires four units of English, four units of math, four units of science, four units of social studies, two units of the same foreign language, 1 unit of arts, two units of health and physical education, and three electives.

Students are to take on all subjects until they complete 10th grade when they can choose the pathway that suits their aspirations. The school guidance counselor would always offer to help you make the right decision based on your strength or weakness. Students can choose both pathways if they meet both course requirements.

Wrapping Things Up: How Many Credits to Graduate High School in Louisiana?

Graduating high school is a significant achievement. One that can potentially option doors to a bright future because of the many opportunities that come with it. However, graduating high school is not as easy as many people think. It needs determination, hard work, and total commitment to academic and non-academic work. There are specific requirements to graduate high school in Louisiana, and your quest for success starts from understanding these requirements.

So far, we’ve reviewed all the Louisiana high school graduation requirements in this article. We’ve also provided tips to help you earn excellent high school credits in Louisiana. Hopefully, you can use this information to get through high school and beyond. Remember, the pursuit of success starts from your first day in high school, and it takes excellent results to get into Ivy League colleges.

Want to see how many credits it takes to graduate from high school in other states?

Picture of Professor Conquer
Professor Conquer

Professor Conquer started Conquer Your Exam in 2018 to help students feel more confident and better prepared for their tough tests. Prof excelled in high school, graduating top of his class and receiving admissions into several Ivy League and top 15 schools. He has helped many students through the years tutoring and mentoring K-12, consulting seniors through the college admissions process, and writing extensive how-to guides for school.

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