Founded in 1769, Dartmouth College is known to be an incredibly prestigious private university. It is situated in Hanover, New Hampshire, among the best Ivy Leagues. Anyone who gets into the university is regarded as incredibly smart or very talented, and that’s because getting admitted isn’t a piece of cake.
According to US News, its ranking is the 13th among National Universities and 247th amongst global universities. Surprisingly, it’s ranked highest for its Economics and Business Major, followed by Surgery.
All that being said, how difficult is it to get into Dartmouth? What are the eligibility requirements, and how can you increase your chances of being considered? Find out all the details in the article below.
What is Dartmouth Known For?
It’s challenging to summarize Dartmouth’s accomplishments and uniqueness, as it’s been a historical part for over 200 years. It has notable distinctions, from its campus facilities to its geographical location and academic aspects.
Hence, as it has numerous unique aspects, below is a division according to the topic it falls under.
Unique Historical Facts About Dartmouth
- One of the first important Supreme Court cases circulated around Dartmouth College. It was even called the Dartmouth College Case. During the Revolutionary war, there was an attempt to take over the campus. However, Daniel Webster fought against them and won the case.
- As it essentially was founded with the basis of educating Native Americans, it now graduates an incredible number of unfortunate Native Americans who need help.
- The medical faculty of Dartmouth, the Dartmouth Medical School, was named after Dr. Seuss.
- Some of the famous people who went there include Daniel Webster (statesman), Theodor Geisel (author and artist), Robert Smith (co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous), David Harbour, Mindy Kaling, and Sarah Wayne Callies.
How Dartmouth Stands Out Academically
- It has the highest PH.D-owning professors to students ratio amongst all Ivy Leagues.
- Classrooms are generally small.
- The connections that students build with their professors are hard to match. Professors share their numbers, office location and hours, and home address.
- As a student, you will be handled more thoughtfully and critically. Everything you say during classroom hours is subject to scrutiny, discussion, and analysis.
- The undergraduate teaching at the university is stellar. That’s mostly thanks to having smaller class sizes, an intense focus on undergrad education, and passionate professors.
- It is well known for its exceptional teaching of foreign languages.
- The academic year is split into quarter semesters; the typical trimester consists of three main semesters and the summer semester. Hence, classes and courses are often more intense and concentrated.
Dartmouth’s Facilities and Location
- Dartmouth’s grounds include its own skiing area. Students can access free ski lessons, reasonable prices for season passes, and no fees for bus rides to the slopes.
- The Dartmouth Grant, a well-known forest in Maine, is owned by the university.
- The college has collaborated with U. Mich and MIT to create a telescope at the very top of Kitt Peak.
- It’s also known as one of the most isolated Ivy Leagues, built in a rural area.
- All of these facts are amongst the few items Dartmouth is known for. Others include the many traditions, such as the Winter Carnival and all the hype about fraternities around campus.
- Because it limits the number of students it accepts more than other universities, it has a much more intense focus on its students. You collaborate more, discuss and debate with peers and professors.
Don’t forget that it has an incredibly spacious and open outdoor space, which is why many students love the campus. US News states that approximately 90% of students live on campus, including sororities, fraternities, coeds, societies, and residential halls.
How Difficult is it to Get Into Dartmouth?
How hard is it to get into Dartmouth? As it’s an Ivy League college, you can already presume that the acceptance rate is relatively low, similar to its competitive colleges. That means getting admitted into this university won’t be much easier than getting accepted into any other Ivy League.
Before diving deeper into the acceptance rates of the university, keep in mind that a required distinction must be known. There are different statistics for those who submit applications during the early admissions round and in the regular pool.
As you might already predict, the statistics for early applicants are much higher. That’s because the students who excel, are competitive, and can demonstrate their talents apply that early in the year.
Below are all the statistics you need regarding Dartmouth’s applicants for class 2025:
- Number of Applicants: 28,357
- Accepted Applicants:1,749
- Dartmouth Acceptance Rate: 2%
- Dartmouth ED Acceptance Rate (Early Decision):46%
- Total Number of Enrolled Students:1,228
- Class Rank: 95%
- Students from New England: 17%
- Students from Mid-Atlantic: 20%
- Students from the South: 16%
- Students from the West: 24%
- Students from the Mid-West: 8%
- International Students: 15%
As you can notice from the statistics above, the chances of getting accepted within the regular round of admissions are pretty slim. It usually spans anywhere from 6% to 10% over the years, but the statistics are still not promising.
Hence, the short answer to the initial question is yes. It is challenging to get accepted into Dartmouth, but not impossible. If you’re confident about your standing, we recommend you apply through the early decision pool of applicants to boost your chances.
What are the Requirements to Get Into Dartmouth?
There isn’t a perfect recipe for being the ideal Darmouth candidate. Instead, what you should focus on is demonstrating your talents and uniqueness throughout the application. As the acceptance rate is low, the class size is smaller than expected, and the number of students isn’t high, they look for people who stand out.
Hence, the Dartmouth admission requirements will vary according to the year. For instance, applicants for Class 2027 have their tests optional due to COVID-19. However, Dartmouth does not state specific guidelines or requirements for being eligible to get admitted. However, you will increase your chances by getting good grades, GPA, and SAT and ACT scores. Find out how below.
What GPA Do You Need to Get Into Dartmouth?
Unfortunately, there isn’t a specific GPA requirement to get admitted into Dartmouth. Instead, you should focus on enhancing it and raising it to an impressive number, as you can guarantee the competition will be high. However, having an incredible GPA without extracurriculars or other abilities won’t do you any good either.
So, what GPA is needed for Dartmouth? Many states that the average GPA of admitted students ranges between 3.9-4.1, but the exact number is not reported by Dartmouth. However, one thing is clear. Most students who get accepted, at least 95%, stand at the top 90th percentile among their classmates.
On the other hand, if you’re considering applying to the university and your GPA is set. Still, it isn’t that impressive, don’t fret too much about it. You can boost your chances with better test scores. Moreover, if you’ve been taking challenging courses, whoever is evaluating your application will consider that.
Dartmouth SAT Requirements
One of the ultimate benefits of submitting multiple SAT scores to Dartmouth is that they accept the highest score, also known as superscoring. For the class of 2027, tests were not required due to the then ongoing pandemic, so many students could not sit for their exams on time.
However, the test is generally required. While it’s not the determining factor, it definitely is part of the calculation. However, another benefit of the evaluation process here is that Dartmouth considers each individual according to their needs, opportunities, and efforts.
That being said, here are the Darmouth SAT requirements or what to expect, as those statistics below reflect those of Class 2025 applicants:
- Critical Reading (Mean): 733
- Critical Reading (Median):750
- Mid 50% Range for Critical Reading: 710-770
- Math (Mean):750
- Math (Median):770
- Mid 50% Range for Math: 730-790
Hence, while the university will inform you that they’re not looking for a specific SAT score, the result reflects otherwise. An overall grade above 1500 is often desirable, as it proves your competency and ability to match other applicants who got accepted.
Dartmouth ACT Requirements
You won’t have to sit for both the SAT and ACT. Instead, for applying to Dartmouth, you simply have to sit for one of them. The standard Darmouth ACT requirement is stated across numerous websites to be 35. However, there really isn’t a specific score displayed by the university.
But, similar to all other requirements, you should aim high for any score. It will be tough and competitive, so the higher you score, the better your chances are. Below are ACT Darmouth statistics for the Class of 2025:
- Mean: 33
- Mid 50% Range:32-35
As you can see, you cannot figure out the exact range. It differs each year, so scores aren’t the only method of evaluating students.
Dartmouth Extracurricular Requirement
Dartmouth has issued an article discussing extracurriculars people didn’t know the count. It revolves around addressing what extracurriculars matter and which activities can count even during the pandemic, as people don’t have access to social interactions.
It states that some things that a student considers trivial, such as being responsible for family issues and matters, are a vital part that should be mentioned. It demonstrates dedication and responsibility.
On the other hand, if you have other extracurriculars, don’t go sign up for more simply to boost your application. The evaluator wants to see your dedication and genuine passion for your work. You should be able to demonstrate your own love for the activity and how you can excel in it.
Hence, extracurricular requirements to get into Dartmouth aren’t specific. By filling out your application, you should mention all the activities and items that make you stand out. Tell your story while writing your essays and application.
Other Dartmouth Requirements
Aside from the items mentioned above, precisely all things you’ll encounter while filling the Common Application, there are three additional requirements. The writing supplement, a peer recommendation, and two teacher evaluations.
The Dartmouth supplemental essays are prompts you’re expected to answer as you fill out your application. The most recent one comprises three questions. The first revolves around why you want to apply to Dartmouth. The second asks you about yourself. The third asks you to answer one of 5 questions within 250 words.
On the other hand, peer recommendation is simply a suggestion. While it’s strongly encouraged, it is not mandatory. However, it doesn’t come from a supervisor. Instead, you should reach out to someone you consider a peer. You can find more about the peer recommendation on Darmouth’s website.
The third is teachers’ evaluations, which act as recommendation letters.
Deadline for Dartmouth Applications
The timeline for Darmouth applications varies according to the type of candidate you are. There are three types: early admissions, regular decisions, and transfer students. Find the unique deadlines and timelines for only regular and early decision students below.
Regular Decision Deadlines
- December: last day for testing (which is optional for the Class of 2027)
- January 3rd: the application is due
- January 3rd: the deadline for your application fee or waiver is due
- January – February: submission of the mid-year report and the optional Alumni Interview invitation must be accepted or rejected
- February 1st: financial aid application submission due
- March – April: for people who applied for financial aid, the results are out, as well as the notification for admission
- April: financial support applicants review and appeal their offers
- May 2nd: intent to enroll deadline
- June: secondary school report submission deadline
- June 1st: deadline for those who want to request a gap year
Early Decision Deadlines
- November: application is due
- November 1st: the application for financial aid is due
- November 1st: the application waiver or fee is due
- November: last day of testing (optional for those students of the Class of 2027)
- Mid-November: must respond to the optional Alumni Interview invitation
- Mid-December: you’ll be notified about your application decision and tentative notification for those admitted financial aid applicants
- Late December: intent to enroll deadline
- January – February: mid-year report due
- April 1st: must have received notification for ED deferred applicants and financial aid award
- April: Review and appeal financial offers
- May 2nd: intent to enroll deadline for newly admitted ED students
- June: submission of transcript and secondary school report, as well as the deadline for submitting a request for a gap year
How to Get Into Dartmouth: 3 Tips to Improve Your Chances
Depending on the faculty you’re applying to, the requirements might vary. For example, how to get into Dartmouth medical school is one of the most frequently asked questions. There is a secondary application essay and an interview to sit through. But what could increase your chances of getting in? That includes the items listed below:
1. State What Makes You Unique
Dartmouth favors those who stand out in some sort of way. They have recently selected athletes, legacies, and first generations amongst their families to attend college. Hence, if you fall under any of these categories, it would be a good idea to demonstrate how it makes you different from others.
Aside from that, your activities and courses that make you stand out should be highlighted. Regardless of how trivial you think it is, anything could be the difference between being accepted and rejected. Hence, don’t underestimate any of the qualities you have.
2. Demonstrate Excellent Grades
Undoubtedly, getting stellar grades and SAT scores will go a long way. That applies to any of the colleges. This is especially true if you portray your ability to balance different aspects of life. For instance, a candidate who has incredibly high grades and does spectacularly in some sports will be favored over someone who simply has good grades.
Take this as a general rule of thumb: the more prestigious and lower a school’s acceptance rates, the higher test scores you should aim for. The average of those admitted into Darmouth above will give you a rough guideline for what to aim for.
3. Demonstrate Your Abilities, But Subtly
You might already know that admission officers everywhere seem to pride themselves on picking out the best candidates who demonstrate their abilities subtly. Hence, you shouldn’t feel compelled to write out your life’s story. Instead, aim to prove who you are and what you can accomplish throughout the application.
The hardships and challenges in your life are often the most substantial aspects that demonstrate how you deal with life situations. Hence, being unique is both subjective and objective. Showing off your artistic skills is quite apparent. However, illustrating how you initiated leadership through the items you list is a more subtle method of portraying what you can do.
Wrapping Things Up: How Hard is it to Get Into Dartmouth: The Admission Stats
The bottom line is that applying to Dartmouth won’t be a piece of cake. However, that should not be news to anyone. All the Ivy Leagues are incredibly competitive and selective. Only the top 10% of each class are often favored, which makes it much more difficult for the less academically gifted.
Despite all that, the above information should be used as a reference throughout your application process. Do not simply be discouraged if you’re not a stellar student throughout high school. The evaluation officers love to seek the unfamiliar and often choose those with diverse backgrounds, stories to tell, and intriguing talents.
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