There are so many colleges and post-secondary education schools around the United States, so many that you may never even heard of them. These schools are typically for students who pursue a niche or unique program that happens to be in their local area. If you have found this article, you are undoubtedly interested in the Columbia Nursing School in Glendale, Wisconsin (or you have it confused with the many different but similarly-named colleges).
But what exactly is the Columbia Nursing School? How hard is it to get into Columbia Nursing School? Is Columbia Nursing School a good school? You are fortunate to find this article because we can answer these questions better than anyone.
What is Columbia Nursing School Known For?
The Columbia School of Nursing is the medical college of Glendale, Wisconsin. It is a frank, private, non-profit college with little direct information about what it entails, mainly because its main website has been out-of-service.
It is better known as the Columbia College of Nursing or the Columbia Hospital School of Nursing and is not to be confused with the colleges of similar names in New York, South Carolina, and Missouri. The Columbia School of Nursing is a problematic college to search for, as not much information is available through a simple Google search. You likely had difficulty finding information about this school, but thankfully that is where this article comes in handy.
Columbia has a vanishingly small campus with a specified form of learning for its students, dedicated entirely to medical practices and businesses. Columbia is a “special focus” two-year college that nonetheless allows students who graduate to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing., which allows students to gain a Master’s degree as well. It is a small program, with barely over one hundred students in total, but in terms of getting a degree, it is easily as legitimate as any other school or college.
The Columbia College of Nursing was founded as the Knowlton Hospital and Training School in 1901 in a mansion on Sycamore Street. Eight years after the Columbia Hospital Corp was founded, the Knowlton Hospital and Training School changed its name to the Columbia Hospital School of Nursing. Ten years later, the school moved to its east side location, where it sits today. Since then, the college has made several different partnerships and improvements to its school and hospital, keeping its unassuming and lower-ranked status as a college in Wisconsin.
After a century of history and various changes, the Columbia College of Nursing became part of Alverno College, which is on a campaign to help educate skilled professionals in the field and expand healthcare access throughout Wisconsin. Joining the Columbia Nursing School is now akin to a program of a greater college than a college in itself.
Other data and details about the college include that its student age is above the average, which means there are more older students at the Columbia Nursing School than younger students. Additionally, its gender ratio in terms of teachers is skewed towards women, with one out of eight teachers in the college being male. This is due to a long history of nursing and particular medical work being seen as work for women.
Columbia Nursing School does not have the amenities of other colleges and universities, such as fraternities, sororities, online classes, or on-campus housing. However, it does have additional programs, such as an early college credit program It is strictly a school: students come to the college to learn, and they will be able to do that to the best of their and the school’s ability.
The Columbia Nursing School’s history is intimate, reflecting its very small student pool. Speaking of which, how competitive is Columbia Nursing School to get into? The answer may shock you.
How Competitive is Columbia Nursing School?
To get this out of the way, the Columbia Nursing School is not a difficult school to get into. We mean that if you plan to make yourself a part of this school, you have little reason to be afraid of being rejected.
Columbia loves to take what it can get because of how obscure and small the college is. We will detail the specific requirements later in the article, but the Columbia Nursing School is not academically competitive. What is noteworthy, however, is its gender ratio, where female students outnumber male students by 88/12 as of 2019. As we have stated, Columbia has a history of taking in female students. However, do not take this to mean that male students are in any way restricted from becoming a Columbia Nursing School alum.
If you apply to Columbia Nursing School, you will not have to worry about being chosen over a student with more extraordinary academic achievements.
But how can we give you a better idea of how easy it is to join Columbia Nursing School than to give you the acceptance rate for potential students?
What is Columbia Nursing School’s Acceptance Rate?
The acceptance rate for the Columbia Nursing School is 86%, according to EduRank. By default, this acceptance rate is relatively high, only 14% away from allowing practically any student who applies for admission. Note that this is not publicly available data; EduRank only makes an educated guess.
As we’ve stated, the Columbia Nursing School is not competitive. If this is a school that you want to get into, you will have very little trouble doing so, nor will you have much of an issue getting yourself a degree here. This begs the question of what you need to do to get into the Columbia Nursing School in the first place.
How Do You Get into Columbia Nursing School?
The Columbia Nursing School has the typical requirements and considerations for a college. What it takes to get into the Columbia Nursing School is what it takes to get into Alverno College, now that the former is a part of the latter.
First, a student must live nearby in Glendale, Wisconsin, as Columbia does not offer housing or online classes. Prospective Columbia Nursing School students must graduate with a minimum GPA of 2.3; the average GPA in Columbia is only slightly higher at 2.9. In many high schools, a GPA of around 2.3 GPA is itself what is required to graduate from there at all: if you already have a transcript in hand for your college admission, then you already have a good chance at getting into the Columbia Nursing School.
Next, there are no stated SAT or ACT requirements: CollegeConfidential states that 0% of students accepted into Columbia have submitted their SAT scores. You can thank the low GPA requirements for this.
Finally, now that Columbia Nursing School is part of Alverno College, many prerequisites for the former are met in the latter college. Fortunately, the tuition (a hefty price of over $30,000 a year) and those additional courses are part of the same package.
It is generally, but not exclusively, the case that a school with such a low barrier to entry typically has a lower standard of education and success. Is Columbia Nursing School a good school to go to?
Is Columbia Nursing School a Good School?
The preceding sections of the article and the lack of concrete information on Columbia make it difficult to definitively say whether or not Columbia is a good nursing school. Of course, whether a school is good or bad is always up to the people who attend it. Many things involve how “good” a college or university is that cannot be easily solved with how much money is thrown into it. You could get accepted into an Ivy League college and then realize it is terrible for you as a student. We say this is going ahead, but Columbia Nursing School isn’t particularly cheap either.
While other schools may rank better according to other groups and institutions, that is not necessarily a knock against the Columbia Nursing School’s capabilities. It should be noted that the school does not rank the highest on national state rankings on colleges. It sits closer to the lower end of the rankings. However, what does this mean about Columbia as a good nursing school? It means that it is worthwhile for you to try out if you are interested in such a school.
Graduating from the Columbia Nursing School means graduating with people you have spent a long time with. A student who attends and graduates from Columbia Nursing School will, like any other university or college graduate, have their Associate’s, Bachelor’s, or Master’s degree, so you do not have to worry.
As for what you can learn in the school, Columbia is still intimately acquainted with various medical practices, techniques, and expertise. The faculty who work at the college have their own experience working with students. The student population may be almost vanishingly small, as is the campus, but this means that you can get to know and speak to fellow peers, professors, staff, and other alums and important figures much more accessible than in a larger school with more people to work with and around.
If the smaller size of the college bothers you, remember that it is now part of a more significant college in Alverno College; this partnership is not just for show. The greater college lends its assistance and student base to make the Columbia Nursing College just a bit bigger and easier to access than before.
So, is the Columbia Nursing School a good college? If you are dedicated to getting into this school, it is as good as any other. After all, it is unlikely that you would have found this article if you were not already interested! Consider the Columbia Nursing School not necessarily its unique college but rather an extension of a whole. Many similar colleges are part of larger universities, and those institutions are worth their tuition and years of lectures and studying!
Wrapping Things Up: How Hard is it to Get into Columbia Nursing School?
How hard is it to get into Columbia Nursing School? To put it simply, the Columbia Nursing School is not hard to get into. Columbia is not a case of a school that has incredibly high standards to meet: instead, Columbia is a school for:
- Those who know about it, for those who want a program that gets right to the point;
- Those who want to enjoy a post-secondary curriculum with a small and intimate college and people to get to know;
- And finally, those who want to earn their degree and graduate from a school with a tight and long history of nursing behind it.
If you are interested in the Columbia Nursing School, then they will be more than happy to take you!