Category: College Study Tips

Pros and Cons of Living in College Dorms

Pros and Cons of Living in College Dorms

A college dorm experience is something that people talk about for years. High schoolers are excited about it, and adults reminisce about it. So what is it that makes a college dorm experience so notable?

Is It Worth It to Live in a College Dorm?

Is It Worth It to Live in a College Dorm?

Are you a college fresher wondering whether dorm life is right for you? Are you wondering what dorm life looks like? This article provides all the answers to your questions about dorm life and whether

5 Ways to Keep Your Valuables Safe in a Dorm Room

5 Ways to Keep Your Valuables Safe in a Dorm Room

Congratulations on your acceptance into university! There are plenty of questions you probably have about this next chapter in your life. I’ll give you everything you need to know about keeping your valuables safe. Your

How Many Roommates Can You Have in College?

How Many Roommates Can You Have in College?

Are you excited about college? Most probably, yes, you are! One of the things that you may be thinking about is the place where you can stay. Just thinking about it makes you feel excited

What is Priority Admission: What You Should Know

What is Priority Admission: What You Should Know

If you are on your way to college, searching through the possible application processes, you stumbled upon this term. Priority admission is one of the many ways someone can apply to college. However, it often

What are the Pros and Cons of Early Decision?

What are the Pros and Cons of Early Decision?

Deciding on a college is problematic in and on itself. Imagine having to decide early and inform your college, get a decision, and settle on one specific route for the next couple of years. While

What Does Preferred Admission Mean?

What Does Preferred Admission Mean?

Life is nothing short of surprises and the constant need to make decisions for yourself. If you’re a high school senior, you are probably in the midst of the swarm of college applications, trying to

The Ultimate College Dorm Essentials Checklist

The Ultimate College Dorm Essentials Checklist

On top of the clothes, school supplies, and books you will need in college, there is much else to think about. Living at home, you’ve had all of your stuff and your family’s stuff, but

How to Wear Graduation Cords?

How to Wear Graduation Cords?

After four long years, you’re finally done with school. Classes are over (‘Cs make degrees,’ as they say), friends are ready for vacation—you have only one thing left: walk down that aisle as you graduate.