Want a career in the securities industry? Well, you have to take the Series 7. Formally, the Series 7 is known as the General Securities Registered Representative Exam (GSRE). It is an exam taken by people seeking to become a licensed representative or a stockbroker. Plainly speaking, you need to take and pass it to have a license to trade in the securities industry.
Passing the Series 7 means that you can be an entry-level broker selling stocks, mutual funds, variable contracts, and municipal securities, among others. But getting a passing score in six-hour with over 200 questions covering securities topics including taxation, equity debt investments, investment risk, and retirement plans won’t be as easy you think. Luckily for you, we have listed down the best Series 7 Study Guides you should use in preparation for the test.
If you want to just get back to studying, get our top choice for Series 7 study guides here.
Last update: 2025-02-18
Our Favorites for Best Series 7 Study Guides (the best out of the bunch)
Wiley Series 7 Securities Licensing Exam Review by Wiley
There is no better way to start your Series 7 exam preparation than to use what is arguably the most comprehensive study guide you can find on the market. The Wiley Series 7 Securities Licensing Exam Review is like the bible of those reviewing for the Series 7 test because of how it contains everything you need to pass it.
The book covers all of the key areas and topics to be tested in the Series 7 while also mentally preparing you to take on that test. It has hundreds of examples that are relatable and simple enough that it makes it easy for you to understand all of the important concepts you need to know.
Although it is quite a comprehensive book, it is actually pretty concise when it comes to teaching you all of the important basics. In short, it does not dwell a lot on useless concepts but goes straight to the point so that you would not have to waste time reading through unimportant fluff. Still, it leaves no stone unturned.
The Wiley Series 7 Securities Licensing Exam Review also does not fall short when it comes to drills as the book has a lot of practice questions that are challenging enough to help you prepare for the test. The questions number in the hundreds and are more than enough for you so that you would not have to worry about not having the right amount of confidence on the day of the test.
Simply put, this book might be all that you need to prepare for the Series 7. It can be quite expensive and heavy on the wallet but it is a great investment when used well because your chances of passing the test will skyrocket.
What makes it unique:
- It is complete and comprehensive
- This book delivers the concepts in a clear and concise way
Why choose this book:
- It does not skimp out on giving you everything you need to know for the Series 7.
- It has hundreds of Series 7 sample questions designed to drill the concepts into your head and prepare your mindset for the Series 7.
- Wiley (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 640 Pages - 01/14/2019 (Publication Date) - Wiley (Publisher)
Last update: 2025-02-18
Series 7 Exam for Dummies, 4th Edition by Steven M. Rice
Looking for a stand-alone book that fits the budget but gives you everything you need to know for the Series 7 in a small package? Well, Series 7 Exam for Dummies has your back. While you might not exactly be a dummy in the financial services and securities industry, this is one book you might want to consider using because of how easy it is to use and how light of a read it is.
What makes this book stand out on its own is that it was able to consolidate a wide range of topics and information in such a concise book. It teaches you all of the important concepts without having to waste your time. And no matter how short and concise the explanations are, the author was able to put the topics into words that even “dummies” or newbies in the industry are able to understand. Even the most complex of topics become readable and digestible.
One other good thing about this book is that it explains the concepts in a way that is quite different than others. It gives you a different perspective so that you will be able to understand the topics in your own way and not in the conventional complex manner that some books tend to do. In short, you will be able to keep the information in your mind in the simplest of forms so that it will be easier for you to remember them on the day of the exam.
Using the book’s practice questions as well as the online Series 7 practice exam it comes with can also help hone your mind to be ready for the exam although the actual Series 7 test questions might be a bit more challenging than the ones in this book. Nevertheless, the way the book is able to deliver the topics in a small, digestible, and super affordable package is what makes this a great choice for you.
What makes it unique:
- It goes straight to the point and is more concise than all of the other books on the market.
- You get to learn the topics in an entirely different light that helps keep them in your mind.
Why choose this book:
- A quick and affordable read, Series 7 Exam for Dummies is a great pick for those who do not have a lot of time and money to spare in preparation for the Series 7.
- It is a good entry-level and stand-alone review book even for novices in the securities industry.
- Rice, Steven M. (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 432 Pages - 03/26/2019 (Publication Date) - For Dummies (Publisher)
Last update: 2025-02-18
Pass The 7: A Plain English Explanation To Help You Pass the Series 7 Exam by Robert M. Walker
In all honesty, the title of the book says it all. Pass the 7 is a Series 7 study guide that was written to help you understand the complicated finance and securities concepts, topics, and terms without having to make you force your brain cells to go into overdrive. As the title points out, it really does explain the Series 7 topics in understandable English. That makes it one of the best Series 7 study guides for those looking to start from scratch.
The book was indeed written not for finance experts or securities industry veterans but for plain readers. Other than using plain and understandable English in helping you learn the concepts, it outlines and details all of the topics point-by-point so that you will be easier for you to go through them without having to waste a lot of time. The way the concepts are presented makes the book easy to skim through as you do not have to go over them in great detail to really digest and absorb them.
Other than using plain English, what makes the book so understandable is that it explains the concepts not by using their usual definition but in different ways that novices in the industry can understand. Even though you do not have any background in the financial market and exchange industry, you can still conceptualize what this book is trying to tell you.
That said, Pass the 7 is a great companion book for those who often pull their hairs out in frustration when trying to understand words and terms that seem foreign for them. It also is not the most expensive choice on the market and is perfect for anyone looking for a quick and easy read with a price tag that does not break the bank.
What makes it unique:
- It explains the concepts and terms using an understandable language and perspective.
- You get to see the topics in an entirely new light since the book explains them in unconventional but simpler ways.
Why choose this book:
- If you happen to be a beginner in the industry, this should be a good choice for you as it makes the concepts easy for you to understand.
- It can be a good choice as a main prep book but works best if you augment it by also using other practice materials.
- Walker, Robert M. (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 482 Pages - 01/04/2016 (Publication Date) - Sure Fire Publications, LLC (Publisher)
Last update: 2025-02-18
The Runners-Up for Best Series 7 Exam Prep Books (still good but a little lacking)
Series 7 Exam Prep: Series 7 Practice Test Questions for the Series 7 Licensing Exam by Trivium Investment Exam Prep Team
Unlike other Series 7 exam prep books, the Series 7 Exam Prep by Trivium is devoted almost entirely to a different form of review—practice. In that sense, this book contains nothing but 500 Series 7 practice exam questions that were designed to drill the concepts into your head while also preparing your answering skills in time for the Series 7.
Because the people behind this book wrote this prep material with your time in mind, it makes things simple by allowing you to practice on the go by answering questions that are actually well-organized enough that they are ready to read even when you are on the road. On top of that, it is only about a hundred pages long and is quite compact and easy to carry around wherever you go. That means that you can practice for the Series 7 even when you are traveling.
Another good thing about this book is that the answer explanations are simple and easy to digest. They go straight to the point in explaining to you why that answer is correct instead of going over the subject material all over again just to make you understand why your original answer was wrong. In a sense, it makes for a good book for people looking to use up their remaining time simply for practicing for the Series 7.
That said, Series 7 Exam Prep does not have a content review material whatsoever and is entirely made up of Series 7 practice questions. That means that this is a Series 7 stud guide for those who already know and have reviewed the topics covered by the test. It makes for a good companion material for your main resources.
What makes it unique:
- Contains only Series 7 practice questions.
- The answer explanations are short and concise.
Why choose this book:
- You need a lot of practice in preparation for the Series 7, and this book is a good material for you to use to help hone your test-answering skills.
- Use this book if you are already confident with your knowledge of the concepts and topics covered by the Series 7.
- Trivium Investment Exam Prep Team (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 102 Pages - 08/13/2018 (Publication Date) - Trivium Test Prep (Publisher)
Last update: 2025-02-18
1,001 Series 7 Exam Practice Questions for Dummies by Steven M. Rice
This was written to be a companion book to the main Series 7 Exam for Dummies prep material. As the name suggests, 1,001 Series 7 Exam Practice Questions for Dummies goes the extra mile and provides you with over a thousand Series 7 sample questions that will surely drill the concepts into your mind in no time.
Because it was meant to be a companion book, this material actually does not have any content review portion but is devoted entirely to providing you with Series 7 questions that were designed to be just as challenging as the actual questions in the real Series 7. In that sense, it covers all of the topics and leaves no stone unturned. In fact, because of the sheer volume of questions this book has, it won’t be surprising if you see questions in the actual Series 7 test that are similar to the ones in this practice book.
Though it does not have a content review portion, it makes up for that by providing you with comprehensive answer explanations that show you how to get the correct answer in step-by-step. Unlike some other books, it does not skimp out on information when explaining answers and will surely help you understand why your answer was wrong and how you can improve on that weakness in the future.
If there was a knock on this book it is that some of the questions are quite out of date. Nevertheless, you will not find any other book that has the same number of Series 7 exam questions like this one. It makes for a great secondary material if you find that your main resources do not offer you the same number and quality of practice questions that 1,001 Series 7 Exam Practice Questions for Dummies has.
What makes it unique:
- The book is purely devoted to practice questions.
- It explains answers in great detail.
Why choose this book:
- Go for this book if you put a lot of focus on answering practice questions.
- It works as a complement to your other main resource materials in case they make you feel like you lack practice.
- Rice, Steven M. (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 384 Pages - 12/12/2014 (Publication Date) - For Dummies (Publisher)
Last update: 2025-02-18
The Best Value for Your Money for a Series 7 Study Guide (good and affordable)
Series 7 Study Guide 2019 & 2020 by Test Prep Books
Written by a known name in the test prep book industry, the Series 7 Study Guide is one book you may want to consider if you want a material that offers you an all-around approach in a package that is quite affordable compared to all of the other ones on this list. It is actually a lot cheaper than our other choices but it does not skimp out on quality.
Designed to be a quick read, it only has about 200 pages worth of good-quality content that covers all of the bases in a quick and concise manner. That is actually one of its strengths. You get to review all of the topics rapidly, which makes it a good option of a book if you want a material you can use for a quick read when you are short on time.
The test-taking strategies in this book are also some of the best you can find anywhere. They were designed to provide you with enough confidence while also helping you make sure that you do not make any glaring mistakes and errors while taking the Series 7 test.
Finally, it has practice questions with answer explanations that are quite detailed. In a sense, the book really does well in explaining to you why you made a mistake while also helping you to learn from your wrong answers so that you can avoid making the same errors on the day of the test.
What makes it unique:
- It uses a holistic approach in helping you review for the Series 7.
- The book is a lot shorter than some of its similar competitors.
Why choose this book:
- If you are short on time and money, this is a great budget book for you.
- It should be primarily chosen if you are already confident with your fundamental knowledge of the topics covered but still need a short and concise review book to help you prepare for the Series 7.
- Test Prep Books (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 178 Pages - 08/09/2019 (Publication Date) - Test Prep Books (Publisher)
Last update: 2025-02-18
Summary of the Best Series 7 Study Guides
Wrapping everything up, here are the Sereis 7 review resources we went over today:
Last update: 2025-02-18
Why is it important to choose only the best Series 7 study guides we have chosen for you? The Series 7 passing rate is only about 65% on average. That means that there really is no assurance that you will be able to meet the required passing score of 72. On top of that, it can be quite draining since you will be answering over 200 questions in a span of six hours. However, by choosing one or more of the books we believe are the best, you can improve your chances of success while also making this long and mind-numbing test a lot simpler than it is.
If you found this post helpful, check out our other reviews on financial and professional books here.
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