The Best Financial Calculator for Students of 2024

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Are you looking for the best calculator to buy to help you in your finance classes? Are you an accounting major or business student looking for the most suitable financial calculator to get you through school? If either describes you, you have come to the right place.

You could choose several options when picking a calculator; however, some will have more value than others. We will help you weed through the financial favorites to find calculators that work for you.

To get all of this great information and more, all you have to do is keep reading.

If you want to just get back to studying, get our top choice for financial calculators for students here.

Our Favorites for Financial Calculator for Students

Below, you will find some of the best financial calculators for students. Our favorites are 2 of the most popular and most recommended by teachers and students alike. Whenever you see a list of calculators for financial students, these will likely be on it.

BA II Plus Financial Calculator

Kicking off the list is the moderately priced Texas Instrument BA II Plus. This calculator can generally be found for under 50 dollars at your local department store or online via Amazon. The popular Texas Instrument device boasts an abundance of functions for students and even mathematicians.

What Makes it Unique:

This calculator has an abundance of features that will save power and time for students:

  • The calculator will guide you through calculations on the screen.
  • It has a 10-digit, 1-line display, making it easy to read any computations shown.
  • Many users love the intuitive layout and easy navigation. Users can navigate to functions quickly without much guesswork.
  • The auto-shutoff feature means you’ll get excellent battery life even when you forget to power your calculator down manually. This also means it is ready whenever you need it.

Why Choose This Best Financial Calculator for Students:

  • The calculator boasts a large array of financial functions, including annuities, mortgages, and even depreciation calculations.
  • If you need help getting used to your new calculator, the item comes equipped with a formula cheat sheet right on the top of the case for quick reference.
  • Several finance professors across the country mandate this calculator.
  • Another notable function of this calculator is TVM. TVM stands for the time value of money; this is one of the main principles of finance. TVM keys on the calculator include N (time in years), PV(present value), FV (future value), and more.
Texas Instruments BAII Plus Financial Calculator, Black
  • Solves calculations of the value of money relative to time, such as annuities, mortgages, leases, savings
  • Run cash flow analysis with up to 24 uneven streams and frequencies up to 4 digits, calculates NPV and IRR
  • Choose between two day counting methods (current/current or 30/360) to calculate bond or credit prices "to maturity" or "on demand"

Last update: 2025-02-18

Suppose you are a student looking to take the CFA or CIPM exam and are opposed to the Texas Instruments option. In that case, this will likely be a definite part of your financial future if you take one of those exams because it is your only other option. This calculator generally falls on the higher-priced side of the spectrum but can be found slightly cheaper at retail sites like Amazon.

What Makes it Unique:

  • This calculator boasts a horizontal rectangular design with a 1 line display.
  • The calculator comes equipped with 130 functions and a 15-digit internal precision.
  • The HP 12C allows you to choose between two different modes based on what is most suitable for you: RPN or algebraic entry-system logic.
  • Users adore this highly-ranked device for its power, longevity, and ease of use.
  • Many users recommend this calculator for getting used to RPN, reverse Polish notation. Having the ability to switch between entry modes gives students flexibility.

Why Choose This Financial Calculator for Students:

  • The HP 12C Platinum is approved for use on multiple financial exams like the CFP, CFA, CIPM, and GARP FRM exams.
  • This is an excellent candidate if you need a lightweight option with a battery life of 2 years.
  • This calculator is an asset to individuals in real estate, accounting, banking, and finance industries.

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Runner Ups for Financial Calculator for Students 2-3

Another great financial calculator example is the HP 17BII+. This has a two-line screen with a 22-character LCD screen and is on the higher-priced end of the spectrum, depending on where it is purchased. This device also comes with 250 functions already included. This is a dependable option for finance students.

What Makes it Unique:

  • The auto power-off function ensures you retain some battery life. The calculator will automatically shut off after 10 minutes of inactivity.
  • The large buttons make this option easy to use and navigate.
  • You can access a clock and a calendar if you need reminders on your calculator. Here, you are able to record appointments, calculate date ranges, and enter messages to appear at the start of an event.
  • With this calculator, users have the option to input their own formulas and use them later.
  • This is an excellent option if you are looking for something that is easily programmable and able to last beyond your school years.

Why Choose This Financial Calculator for Students:

  • This device is ideal for students in business and financial studies.
  • HP provides users with abundant business features like interest rate conversions and cash flow functions.
  • Included with your calculator purchase, students will get a leather-carrying case to store their calculator in. The device offers a long-lasting battery that is ideal for students’ needs.
  • This calculator is allowed on multiple financial certification exams. Use the same calculator that you use in class on your exams. This financial calculator has been approved for the Certified Financial Planner exam.

You’ve seen some of our favorites, now let’s move along to the mid-tier options. These are two additional types of financial calculators. While they aren’t the best, they are average options that can handle your computational needs.

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Casio FC-200V

If the other two options aren’t for you, the Casio FC-200V Is another great option. This calculator has some features that the others don’t have, like a larger screen or a solar-powered battery.

What Makes it Unique:

  • This calculator comes equipped with several built-in functions, including Cost/Sell/Margin and bond calculation.
  • If you want to function at your fingertips, this calculator has direct key access to things like simple interest and amortization calculations.
  • If you want a slightly larger screen, this calculator gives users a 4-line display.

 Why Choose This Financial Calculator for Students:

  • If you are typically worried about battery life, this is a great option. The calculator has the ability to use solar power as well as battery power. The calculator has an anticipated battery life of 3 years.
  • Some students love the ability to validate their computations. The larger screen gives space for the answer and the equation to share the same view.
Casio FC-200V-S-IH Financial Calculator
  • Financial Calculator
  • Design that delivers High availability, scalability, and for maximum flexibility and price/performance
  • Made in United states

Last update: 2025-02-17

Value Pick for Financial Calculator for Students

Though the other calculators on the list may be some of the most popular and sought-after, other options exist. These value options will help you accomplish what you need if the other options are unavailable.

HP 10bII Financial

Hewlett Packard’s 10BII Financial is not an uncommon option. Though this is a cheaper option, It boasts an abundance of features that users love. This calculator is a great choice if you are taking finance courses or working through licensing exams.

What Makes it Unique: 

  • Some students say this calculator is a good medium between the BA II Plus and the HP 12C, with some minor differences in added functionality.
  • The device provides a simple calculation approach and includes more modern functions like break-even analysis.
  • It is a dependable option used by professors in colleges across the country. It is intuitive and easy for most students to use and learn.

 Why Choose This Financial Calculator for Students:

  • This calculator is an option that can grow with you. If you had this calculator for your PSATs, SAT, or AP courses, it can also be used for statistics or business classes.
  • Financial functions on the calculator include TVM, amortization, depreciation, and several others.
  • Professors often recommend this as an option for students looking for computation that requires fewer keystrokes.

Last update: 2025-02-18

How to Choose the Financial Calculator for Students?

There are several different types of financial calculators that students can choose from. It’s important to make sure you are considering a multitude of things when you are deciding what to purchase. This may include your primary use of the calculator, how long you expect it to last, and even if you will be using it for any certifications.

However, those functions don’t even scratch the surface of the things you may consider when purchasing a calculator. After all, your calculator is an investment in your future and your education. It is also something you don’t want to buy multiple times. The questions below will help you think through different aspects of your purchase and narrow down your results.

Does it Have the Feature You Need?

The main reason you are purchasing a calculator is to help you solve a problem or address a need. Therefore, at the most basic level, the calculator you are selecting must fit your needs. For example, if you are looking for a calculator to satisfy both graphing and finance functions, choosing a Texas Instrument BA II Plus may not be the smartest thing you can do.

Create a checklist of characteristics and functions you absolutely need your calculator to have. You may prioritize certain criteria or the other. However, this will help you begin your search.

How User-friendly is the Calculator?

When picking a calculator, it is important to pick something that is in line with your technical aptitude. If you are someone who does not do well with gadgets and would prefer a device with single-function keys, the more complicated calculators may not be for you. Speed of use may also be a factor if you are looking to use your device for timed exams.

If you are familiar with using a calculator for math classes, using the TI BA II Plus may be easier for you than using the HP calculator. The Texas Instrument option allows users to input calculations in a more straightforward manner. This may not be the best option for someone who already has a finance background.

Is the Calculator in the List of Approved Calculator Models for the Exam You’re Preparing?

If you are on the fence or you know you will be taking exams like the CFA or CIPM in the near future, don’t just pick the most popular financial calculator. Instead, you should pick an option that meets your needs and is on the approved list of calculators. If either of the previously mentioned exams are in your future, that means your options are limited to either the Texas Instrument BA II Plus or the .

Financial exams could seriously limit the options you have. If you plan on taking a Society of Actuaries credentialing exam like the ASA, CERA, or FSA, only Texas Instruments calculators are allowed. This would limit your options to the BA II Plus (Professional), the BA-35, and the options.

Do You Require Specific Financial Functions?

If you are an accounting or finance student, it is likely that your courses will require you to perform calculations that traditional calculators will not allow without an extensive workaround. Using a financial calculator makes sense if you want to calculate things like cash flow, interest, or depreciating value.

Suppose you are someone who also needs scientific calculator functions. In that case, it is important to remember that calculator varieties like the TI 83 or TI 84 will likely not be allowed on certification or credentialing exams.

What is Your Budget for a Financial Calculator?

Although not always needed, calculators are a great investment, some more than others. Before you begin your search, set aside a budget that you would like to stick to. Calculator prices can vary, though shopping around before purchasing may allow you to pick the most cost-effective options.

Calculator prices will generally range from $20 to $50 for the cheaper options and $50 onward for the higher-priced options. Though some calculators may be higher priced, that does not always have a direct correlation with usability. It is solely based on your needs and preferences. More expensive options will offer more advanced functionality. If that is not something that you need, it may be good to stick with some of the cheaper options.

If you do not have the best budget for a physical calculator right now, there are still options available to you. One of the best financial calculator apps for Android is 10bii. This app is available for $5.99. The calculator mimics the functionality of Hewlett Packard’s 10BII financial calculator. Though you may not be able to use it on any important exams, it may be a great option for homework.

Does it Come with a Warranty?

This may be an option that is more important to some than others. If you are looking for a cheaper calculator, buying It used may be an option that comes with a limited warranty or a small product return window. Most manufacturers will provide a factory warranty if you buy your calculator new. However, this warranty would not include misuse or defects caused by things like battery corrosion.

Wrapping Things Up: The Best Financial Calculator for Students

We have provided you with some clarity on how to begin your search for the best financial calculator for students. While there are some variations in options, one requirement holds supreme: what functions you are looking for and when you are looking to use your calculator. If your sole purpose in purchasing a calculator is only to have an option for exams, your options will be significantly limited.

However, if you are looking for something for longevity, things like cost, warranty, and even usability will need to be considered. Though you may elect to simply select one of the most popular financial calculators, doing so may come with a cost.

Picture of Professor Conquer
Professor Conquer

Professor Conquer started Conquer Your Exam in 2018 to help students feel more confident and better prepared for their tough tests. Prof excelled in high school, graduating top of his class and receiving admissions into several Ivy League and top 15 schools. He has helped many students through the years tutoring and mentoring K-12, consulting seniors through the college admissions process, and writing extensive how-to guides for school.

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