When you start getting into middle school, your classes are definitely going to start getting more complicated. After all, they’re trying to prepare you for high school. But the good news is there are things you could be doing to help you along your way. We’re going to talk about some of the best educational websites for middle school students, and how they could help you get a head start. Whether you want to check out MetKids, Penpal Schools, ArtsEdge, Spatulatta, or a number of other websites, you will be able to learn a lot.
You might even be surprised at some of the things that you can learn when it comes to these websites. And you will definitely be more than happy with the way that you can continue to develop your skills. Whether you’re currently struggling in a subject or you want to spend more time in an area that you love, these websites will help you. All you need to do is find the ones that you like the best and start there because these are the best middle school sites available.
What Makes an Educational Website Helpful to a Middle School Student?
Looking for a few keys to just what makes an educational website a good one for a middle schooler? Well, there are a few essential things that we look for that we think make an excellent combination for you.
1. Easy to understand. You’re in middle school now, so you don’t want to read through content that’s written for small children, but you also don’t want to read a stuffy textbook that’s written for adults. That means you want websites that fall in the middle so you can develop those skills that you’ll need throughout your school years.
2. Interesting to follow. If the content isn’t written in a way that’s interesting, you’re just not going to be able to retain it (or you might, but it will take a whole lot more effort). Websites that are able to present information in exciting ways are definitely our top picks. So, we’ll take a look at what we think are the best and most fun options.
3. Different styles of learning. Having different ways of learning, including videos, audio, lectures, reading, games, and more are going to make it a whole lot easier for you to follow along. They’re also going to make sure that you can remember the information because having different methods will really cement the information into your mind.
The Best Math Educational Websites for Middle School Students
When you get into middle school math, you’re starting to get away from the basics. It’s time to start building on those plain math problems with parentheses, letters, and specialized formulas. That can get a little complicated, which is where these websites come in. We’re going to talk about some of the best math websites for middle school students so you can start building on what you already know and improving your foundation.
1. Get the Math – This can be a really fun website for anyone because it actually shows you more than just how to do the math. It’s about how the math (and specifically algebra) applies to the real world like basketball and music.
2. CueThink – With this website, you’ll be learning how to think critically and how to improve mathematical skills by working with others. The idea is to get you engaged with others to help with the learning process.
3. PBS Math Club – If you need a little bit of help getting your homework done, this is a way to get it done. It actually uses common core and fun examples to make it easier for you to pick up on different topics and equations.
4. Illuminations – Here, you’re going to find lesson plans and even mobile games and interactive options for math. There are all kinds of different brain teasers and more that are intended to make the learning more fun.
5. Illustrative Mathematics – This website gives you access to some exciting curriculum as well as information to help teachers with educating their students. The most crucial part is you’ll have free resources that include assessments, blog posts, and even different worksheets and videos.
6. Math TV – Use this website to find videos that are related to different topics in math. You can sort by various topics, check out different books, and a whole lot more. The idea is to give you a visual understanding of the subject.
7. Math is Fun – If you want to play games to learn your math, then this is a great place to do it. It has math of all different levels from kindergarten up through high school, and there’s everything from your favorite games to worksheets.
8. Mangahigh – Playing games to learn anything is going to make it a whole lot easier, and that’s something that this website is good at. You can get set up through your school to play or set it up yourself at home. There are also plenty of different activities that you can check out.
9. Woot Math – Want some tools that are going to help you really understand some of the concepts you’re learning in your math classes? Well, then this is definitely what you’re going to want to do. It’s going to help you get adaptive learning, hands-on options, and a whole lot more.
10. Prodigy Game – This website was actually designed for parents to get their kids interested in math, and it’s all about helping to improve their skills through games. It does have a fee associated, but it’s designed to make the learning fun.
The Best Science Educational Websites for Middle School Students
Developing an interest in science? Well, then you’re going to want to check out these websites. Or if you’re not so keen on science, these might help you get a little more interested, or at least understand what’s going on in class. You’ll find several interactive websites for students and some of the best middle school websites overall as well.
11. Ask a Biologist – Want to learn everything there is to know about science and specifically biology? Well, you’re going to have no problem with that when it comes to this website. It’s all about biology and ways you can learn about it, including activities and educational games for middle school and talking with biologists themselves.
12. National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science – Here, you’ll have no problem learning about different aspects of science. You’ll get training, you can check out summer workshops, and you can check out case studies to use in any kind of reports you might need.
13. Data Nuggets – Real data is always going to be important when you’re learning something new, and you can find it right here. This website is designed to introduce you to activities and more, completely free, and there’s information about math as well as science.
14. New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning – Take some courses on chemistry, physics, and more, or you can check out some of the teaching materials that are available through this site. All of this information is free and available to anyone.
15. Edheads – You’ll find a number of different games and activities available right here, and that includes being able to practice actual medical procedures if you’re interested in that side of science.
16. Curiosity Machine – Artificial intelligence is something that many people are getting super excited about, and with this website, you can actually create your own AI and then practice with it. You can check out ways that AI could solve some of the problems you see in the world around you too.
17. Curious World – Curious George has a lot to say, and with this website, you can try out free options, or you can upgrade to get even more content. You’ll be able to access videos, games, and books for all different topics.
18. Science Kids – If you’re interested in any type of science. You’ll be able to check out some facts related to science and even play different games, try out experiments, and see some options for science fair projects as well.
19. Explore Learning Gizmos – There is a whole lot of simulation information available right here, and that’s definitely one of the most popular aspects. Being able to try out new lessons, read research, and more, entirely free, is a great way to go to learn science.
The Best Reading Websites for Middle School StudentsÂ
Cultivating an interest in reading is always going to be a good thing, but barring that you at least want to know more about how to read for information or how to read a little faster while still retaining information. Your teachers are expecting it now, and these reading websites for middle school students are definitely going to help you along. All you need to do is give these useful websites for students a chance, and you’re definitely going to be happy that you did.
20. Scholastic – This is definitely one of the best-known websites when it comes to reading and for a good reason. They have plenty of books that you can buy, but they also have reading lessons that you can check out for yourself. You’ll be able to expand your interest in reading quickly through the games as well.
21. The Children’s Book Review – Making reading fun is definitely about finding the right books to read, and this website is dedicated to reviews from other kids and teens. That way, you can find books that other students are reading and hopefully something you’ll enjoy.
22. Breaking News English – This website gives you news in one of 7 different levels. Not every story is available at every level, but they are available at a few different levels so you can continue to expand your knowledge of the world and your reading level.
23. Academic Earth – On this website, you’re going to have no problem finding information and courses on just about every topic you want. And you’ll be able to read as much as you want of it, learning about some topics you enjoy while you’re doing it.
24. Read Works Digital – Check out all kinds of passages on this website. You’ll even be able to complete the assignments entirely online, and you can highlight it as you like. All of this is going to help you improve your overall reading comprehension so you can apply it to some of your other courses as well.
25. News in Levels – Learning the news is always a good thing, but sometimes it’s presented in ways that just aren’t easy to understand. This website gives you news stories at different reading levels so you can understand and build up your skills.
26. ReadWriteThink – Use this website to find lesson plans, activities, games, and a whole lot more that are broken down by grade level. All of this is designed to make it more fun for you to learn reading and to make it a lot easier too.
27. Magic Blox – This is actually a library where you can check out free books that are designed for students just like you. There are all kinds of books available completely free, and there’s even resources for self-publishing your own.
28. Reading Rockets – For students who are having a little more trouble with reading, this is the place to go. You’ll be able to learn more about phonics, phonemic awareness, reading comprehension, and vocabulary here to get a good foundation.
29. Storyline Online – Want to hear books read to you by some of your favorite stars? This is definitely the place to do it, and it’s going to be super simple too. You can choose from different platforms to watch, and getting subscribed is easy to do.
The Best Grammar Review Websites for Middle School Students
How excellent are your grammar skills? Do you know the proper forms of there, their, and they’re? How about when and where to use a comma versus a semi-colon? No worries if you’re already lost because these websites are going to help you with all of this and more. They’re some great educational websites for students, and they’re going to give you a strong foundation in the English language so you can improve your understanding.
30. Grammarly – This is the place to go if you’re having trouble with any sort of grammar. You’ll be able to use the basic features of the site entirely free, but if you’re looking to get more in-depth, you’ll need to pay to upgrade.
31. Quill – You’ll be able to get better at grammar and writing in general with this website that’s designed to teach you. It gives you different types of activities that you can use to continue improving all the time.
32. Sentence Builder – While this website is designed for a little younger students, it can definitely be an excellent fit for older ones who are struggling with grammar, punctuation, or sentence structure as well. It’s a unique way for older and younger kids to learn together.
33. Grammar Bytes – Exercises, handouts, and more are available here. You’ll be able to check out weekly workouts in grammar directly on Twitter, and you can learn more about different grammar terminology to help you along your way.
34. Road to Grammar – Learning more about different words and different topics related to grammar doesn’t have to be dull and boring. This website gives you activities and resources that are meant to make it a whole lot easier to follow along and remember.
35. Funbrain Grammar Gorillas – This is actually a game that’s available on a website with all kinds of games. In this one, your only mission is to identify different parts of speech. That makes the rules simple, and all you have to do is learn more about the topics to win.
36. Grammarly Handbook – Did you know that Grammarly actually has a blog? Well, they do, and they use it to provide more information about different types of grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and more. So you can learn a whole lot by checking out this blog.
37. Brain Pop Grammar – Brain Pop has different articles, lessons, videos, quizzes, and reading related to just about anything and everything in grammar. You get to pick just where you want to start and what type of learning you want to do.
38. Dictionary – If you need a bit more help with words, parts of speech, and antonyms, then you can check out this website. It’s going to be a little more labor-intensive because you have to look up the information, but it does have some articles and additional pieces about grammar.
39. Grammar Flip – This interactive website is meant to make learning a whole lot more hands-on and also to make it more individualized. You can start out with a free trial, but the full site is going to cost money.
The Best Foreign Language Learning Educational Websites for Middle School Students
New requirements in most areas now mean you have to take at least a little foreign language in high school, but you can get a jump start on that in middle school. Whatever language you’re looking to learn, these websites are going to help you on your way. They’re also going to make it a whole lot more fun for you to learn and even give you access to some more unique languages than you would be able to learn on your own.
40. Duolingo – This is one of the most popular websites for learning a language because they have so many. You can learn the most common ones, or you can even learn High Valyrian and Klingon. And you do it through games, quizzes and other fun options.
41. Learn a Language – This free online site gives you access to plenty of different common languages. And once you choose the one you want to learn, you can check out lessons as well as activities and even games to help you.
42. Open Culture – They consider themselves the best in free language education, and they provide you with thousands of pieces of content from courses and eBooks to textbooks, movies, audiobooks, and a whole lot more. Not all of it is about language learning, but there’s plenty of that as well.
43. Pangaea Learning – This website isn’t based in the United States, but it will give you access to language learning for some of the most common languages around the world (and a few extras as well). You just need to work with British English as your base language.
44. Surface Languages – Want to get a basic understanding of how to communicate in some of the most popular languages around the world? This is the place to do it. You’ll learn some of the most popular phrases and sentences you’ll need to get around.
45. Streema – This is actually an online radio, but you can use it to learn different languages because there are actually stations to listen to. You’ll need to find the right one for the language you want to learn, but there are all kinds of things out there, and you just need to listen to the radio to get the information.
46. Innovative Language – There are plenty of free pieces of content available here, including audio lessons, software, apps, video lessons, and more. You get to choose the language you want to learn, and you get to take free courses as well.
47. Coursera Language Learning – Check out one (or more) of the several language learning courses that are available on this website. You’re definitely not going to be disappointed, especially since it’s all free.
48. FluentU – This website is paid, though you can use the free trial to get a better idea of what you’re getting. And what you are getting is full language immersion to help you learn more quickly and more accurately how to sound like a native.
49. Live Lingua – This website is paid, though you can give the free trial a shot first to see if it’s right for you. It gives you a native speaker as a language tutor, however, which is really going to boost your learning.
The Best Programming Websites for Middle School Students
Programming is definitely one way that you can set yourself apart in a positive way from your fellow students. After all, it gives you an edge on high school courses and gives you something to do that can be a whole lot of fun. Even if you’re just getting started, these sites will help, and you’re going to have no problem finding the language that you want to learn.
50. MIT Open Courseware – You can’t get much better than MIT when it comes to learning to code, and the fact that all of the information here is entirely free is even better. You can even learn a whole lot more than just coding too.
51. App Inventor – This is another program by MIT, but it’s specifically about how to create your own app. You can move through different tutorials and use the cloud tool to help you get your own app up and running in no time at all.
52. Code Monster – Use this website to help you get a fun and more simplistic introduction to coding and programming. It’s going to give you just the basics and give you some ability to play around with coding and how to build things.
53. GameBlox – You’ll be able to learn how to make your own games with this website. It’s designed around a simple programming language, so that just about anyone can get started and learn more about what’s involved in creating their own games.
54. Thimble by Mozilla – Thimble helps you to create your own web pages, but it’s meant to do this in the easiest way possible so that you can get started fast. It’s going to help you with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, and it all works right in a simple reader.
55. Scratch – This is a community that gives you access to plenty of others who are looking to create the same types of content as you. And you can use it to create games, animation, or even interactive stories by developing your coding skills.
56. Tynker – This one is designed for a little younger kids, but you’ll be able to do a whole lot with it for yourself too. That’s because it’s meant to help you mod your Minecraft worlds through the addition of some extra coding and visual courses.
57. Code Wizards HQ – These coding classes are intended to teach you whichever coding languages you want. And you can take them live. You’ll have to pay for this service, but you’re going to be getting live courses … so it’s a bit of a tradeoff.
58. Code Avengers – You have to pay for this website, but you’ll learn things like coding websites, games, apps, and just about anything else you could imagine. You can also try out some of the courses for free, though there’s not as much content this way.
The Best Video-Based Learning-Educational Websites for Middle School Students
If you learn best through visual means, you’re going to want to take a closer look at these websites. Each of them can teach you different skills or help you enhance some of them that you already have. And some will help you get a handle on your school subjects too. Any visual learner will be able to find out more about their favorite topics through any of these websites.
59. Khan Academy – This is the website to visit for just about any type of learning that you want to do. Whether you want videos or not and whether you want them in common subjects or the most obscure, you’ll find them here and completely free.
60. YouTube TV – YouTube has plenty to offer, and you’ll find even more when you go to YouTube TV. This content is a little less ‘anyone can create’ and generally a little more focused. You can find topics that mean something to you.
61. Above the Noise by PBS Digital Studio – This is actually a web series that’s focused on current events and topics of interest to anyone. You get to check out these videos and find out more, even about controversial subjects.
62. Numberphile – Want to learn more about numbers in a positive way? And how about finding out ways that numbers apply in your life? Well, this YouTube channel is going to tell you a whole lot about numbers.
63. SciShow – This is another YouTube channel that’s going to let you immerse yourself in some of the strange phenomenon surrounding science. You’ll be able to learn a whole bunch of new tricks, and you’ll have fun watching these high-quality shows as well.
64. TED-Ed – Just about everyone has heard of TED talks, and for a good reason. They have a whole lot to offer, and they’re very high quality. You can also find talks that are on just about any topic you could think of from high profile experts.
65. Vihart – This channel gives you some interesting videos related to math, but it’s about doodling with math, which can actually be entertaining to watch. You might not learn a whole lot with this one, but you’re definitely going to have some fun with it.
66. Smithsonian Channel – Smithsonian can teach you a whole lot about history, and when it comes to videos, they have some exciting ones. You’ll be able to learn a whole lot about history and the way that it’s created the world we live in today.
67. Amazon Education – Amazon has a bit of everything, and you’ll find plenty of educational information here. You’ll also find several different areas where you can explore content, games, lesson plans, assignments, and more.
68. Brightstorm – You’ll get a whole lot of videos here, and they’re related to just about any and all topics you could think of. They’re primarily related to different school subjects, and while it’s a paid service, you’ll get plenty back for your money.
The Best Lifeskills Websites for Middle School Students
It’s never too early to start developing some life skills that are going to serve you well throughout your life. These are some skills like learning how to study, learning how to handle money, and a whole lot more. You might even be surprised by how much fun they can be. And they’re all going to help you be prepared for getting into high school and especially for moving onward into college and beyond.
69. Albert – Learn about just about anything with this website. In fact, you’ll be able to learn basically any subject you might want and all you need to do is log into one website. You’ll have everything you could possibly need here, but you are going to have to pay for the service.
70. Wyzant – If you need a tutor to help you with just about anything, you’ll find them here. It’s a paid service, but you’re getting one-on-one help in order to develop any skills that you might need help with.
71. How Stuff Works – Anyone who’s interested in learning about how things work can see a lot of benefit from this website. It’s designed to show you all about some of the things you find interesting to give you a whole lot of background. And maybe you can impress some of your friends and family.
72. Money Under 30 – Learning how to budget and how to handle your finances and different financial aspects of your life can be difficult. This website is geared toward those under 30 and helps them to make the right financial decisions and understand money before it becomes a problem.
73. Mint – Use this website to help with budgeting and tracking the way that you spend your money. It’s completely free, and it keeps everything in a single location, so it’s easier for you to keep track of it.
74. Google Classroom – Want to learn a whole lot of things? Well, Google actually has a way that you can learn, and you can continue to grow and develop your skills through this process. You just have to choose what you want to learn.
75. Testing Mom – You can create some different curriculum for yourself from this system. It’s a paid service, but it provides a whole lot of education that’s designed to help you pass your tests and even get into better programs within your school.
Wrapping Things Up: What to Do With These Top Educational Websites
With all of this information, hopefully, you’re on the right track to getting the help you need in your classes. No matter what subject you’re struggling in (or looking for a leg up in), you’re going to find some information on these 75 websites. And, even better, most of them are entirely free, so you can try them out for yourself and keep searching until you find the right ones for you. If you’re wondering what are the best websites for students, you’re going to be in good shape with this list of educational websites.
If you found this post helpful, you’re definitely going to like our other middle school study tips here.
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