Being in any military branch is a commitment and task that you must be prepared to undertake. Not only will you need to be physically fit but mentally and educationally sound as well. To determine your fitness for any branch of the military, you must take an aptitude test.
If you are thinking about enlisting in the service, there are several things that you can bet on in your near future. The ASVAB and the AFOQT are two tests which are unavoidable depending on what part of the service you are looking to enlist in. Both of these exams have several similarities and differences.
You may be wondering how hard are the AFOQT and the differences between the AFOQT and ASVAB. It is likely that if you are reading this article, you are likely wondering which exam is better. Don’t worry; we will answer that question and several more. All you have to do is keep reading.
Is the AFOQT the Same as the ASVAB?
It’s important to remember that the AFOQT and the ASVAB are not the same exams. The ASVAB is one aptitude test taken by all individuals and administered by a multitude of schools nationwide. The ASVAB is a requirement for any individual looking to enlist in the military.
The AFOQT is only taken if you are interested in the Air Force. It is often used as a criterion for eligibility into various Air Force programs. These two items are in no way the same and serve two different functions.
Both exams should be taken seriously. Studying and finding the right AFQT study guide is essential to doing well on the exam.
What is the ASVAB For?
THE ASVAB or the Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery is used to determine a person’s fitness for the military. If you plan to enlist in any one of the branches, you will need to take the ASVAB. The exam measures four areas of educational fitness. These include arithmetic reasoning, word knowledge, mathematics, and comprehension. All of these areas are then combined and calculated to give you your AFQT score. This score is then used as a baseline for entrance into the military.
Each branch of service has a different score than individuals looking to enlist in their branch must reach. The ASVAB allows a maximum score of 99. The ASVAB is taken by any individual, male, or female looking to enlist in the military. This test is also often given to juniors and seniors in high school. The ASVAB provides them with another alternative to a traditional college.
There are two versions of the ASVAB. These versions include the enlistment ASVAB as well as the CEP ASVAB. The enlistment version is given to individuals who are sure that they would like to enlist in the service. This form of the exam must be scheduled through a recruiter. This is a free exam and is generally given at a test processing station.
The alternative ASVAB exam is generally given with the intent of career exploration. It is known as the Career Exploration Program ASVAB. It aids students in picking a career in or outside of the military.
Air Force Requirement
If you are thinking of enlisting in the Air Force, individuals will need a minimum score of a 36 though some exceptions can be made for high school graduates scoring at least a 31. Though the minimum scores are reachable, more than half of the individuals accepted into the Air Force score at least a 50.
The test also serves as an indicator for what jobs are the fittest for your skillset. The higher your score, the more options you will have when enlisting into the military. You will also receive better incentives, and even pay increases as your score increases.
Individuals who are GED holders may have a harder time reaching the needed score, starting at a 65.
Marines Requirement
If you’re interested in enlisting in the Marines, you will need to score higher than a 32 on the ASVAB. Much like its counterpart, the Air Force, without a high school diploma, it is nearly impossible to be accepted into the branch. If you are an applicant coming into the test with a GED, a higher minimum score is requested. A 50 is the minimum accepted score for a person with a GED.
Navy Requirement
If you are looking to serve your time away from land by enlisting in the Navy, you will need a minimum of 35. However, if you are looking to go into the reserves, a minimum of 31 is required. Aside from scoring above the Navy’s minimum, individuals looking to go into the Navy must not have any record of drug use and provide three influential references. Another major stipulation is that individuals cannot have had any prior police involvement.
Coast Guard Requirement
Last but not least, if getting into the coast guard is the goal you have in mind, you will need at least a 40 on the exam. However, many individuals who make it into the coast guard score above a 50.
What is the AFOQT For?
The AFOQT, also known as the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test, is an aptitude exam that is used for determining if an applicant should be in officer commissioning programs. This includes things like Air Force ROTC and OTS (Officer training schools). The test can also determine if you are eligible for specific training programs. The test is also mandatory for individuals on scholarship.
The AFOQT can be described as a test similar to that of a college admissions exam. Test takers must acquire the appropriate AFOQT study guides to ensure that they are prepared for the exam and the exam’s format.
Much like the ASVAB, it can be used to determine which occupations will most fit your skillset. The tests are designed with the Air Force’s needs in mind and can be vigorous for an unprepared individual. Another significant benefit of the test is that it can be used as a scholarship determinant.
The exam has a multitude of subtests, including table reading, general science, situational judgment, block counting, and several more. Overall, there are a total of 12 subtests and over 500 test parts.
The test has no threshold for passing—however, the higher your score, the better the opportunities available to you. If you aspire to be an Air Force pilot, you will need to obtain a combined score of 50. With that 50, you must also score above a 25 on the pilot portion and above a 10 in the exam navigator portion. These are two examples of how the AFOQT scores can be used. The qualifying scores for each program are different and can vary.
Is there a Difference Between the AFOQT and ASVAB Score?
One thing that both tests have in common is that there is no pass or failing score. The score you get is based on your level of knowledge, and there is no right or wrong answer for that. However, in both instances, the better you score on either exam, the better your chances are of getting a higher rank or better incentives.
However, there are differences in how the tests are scored because each covers a different amount of information. When taking the ASVAB test takers are penalized for leaving questions blank. Any item left blank reduces your score by 1 point. Each subtest that is included on the exam is given a standard score. These standard scores are used to calculate an individual’s enlistment score or the AFQT score.
There is a formula used to calculate your AFQT, which uses the scores of the four subtests. AFQT = MK + AR + 2xVE
AFOQT is made up of multiple subtests that produce a score. This score is then calculated in a variety of ways to achieve a variety of composite scores. These scores include an air battle manager score, a combat systems officer, a pilot composite score, and several others. These scores are then used to determine a candidate’s specific fitness for a rank or role.
Is the AFOQT Harder Than the ASVAB?
What you consider to be easy can be relative to the material offered on each item. The ASVAB serves as an exam given to test a person’s overall knowledge. This knowledge is assessed at a more general level and encompasses everyday subjects like math, science, language, and more.
The AFOQT is a more specialized exam that focuses on specialized Air Force officer training. It covers an abundance of material that you will not find on the ASVAB. In that sense, the AFOQT may be the more difficult option as many people will not have the specialized knowledge needed to do well.
Wrapping Things Up: AFOQT vs. ASVAB
Overall, the AFOQT and the ASVAB are two very different exams that serve two very different purposes. The ASVAB is a test given to anyone looking to enlist in the military. It is also taken by students looking for options inside and outside the military. The AFOQT is an exam that is specific to individuals interested in becoming an Air Force officer. This is used to determine their fitness for particular jobs within the Air Force.
The AFOQT is a harder test due to the abundance of material that it includes. Whereas the ASVAB is all about how much general knowledge you have. No matter which exam you take, both of them are extremely important. They hold significant weight in how much you can make in the service, your position, what incentives you get, and what trainings you may be eligible for.
Make sure that you take your time and adequately prepare for each exam. Though neither has a concrete pass or fail number, you must pass a certain threshold to be enlisted. Both exams produce several composite scores, which will be extremely important to your military future.