What is the Average IQ Score?

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In the quest to understand the complex human mind, one question has always sparked debates worldwide. It has also sparked aw and stirred controversy throughout history – intelligence. Like an elusive enigma, our cognitive abilities have fascinated us for centuries. Yet, we stumbled upon one measure of intelligence: the IQ score.

But what does this two-letter abbreviation signify? Is it a definition or reflection of our mental prowess? Well, here we will venture into the essence of this profound metric. We will unlock the secrets of IQ and learn more about its definition and the average IQ according to different factors.

Understanding IQ ScoresUnderstanding IQ Scores

Understanding IQ and its scores is pivotal in comprehending the complexities of human intelligence. IQ is short for Intelligence Quotient. It is a numerical representation of an individual’s cognitive abilities, but its significance extends beyond a mere number. In this section, we will dive into the fundamentals of IQ scores, precisely what it stands for, and what it signifies.

IQ is a measure of someone’s cognitive abilities. It includes mental abilities including thinking, problem solving, memory, verbal understanding, and spatial visualization. The notion of intelligence developed in the early twentieth century. It happened when a French psychologist, Alfred Binet, developed the first intelligence test.

This French psychologist created a test to identify children needing special education assistance. However, over time, IQ testing evolved and has become a widely used method to assess cognitive abilities across diverse populations.

However, remember that IQ testing does not accurately reflect your intelligence. Intelligence is a multifaceted and complex trait encompassing more than mere testing abilities. While IQ can help assess cognitive skills, it does not capture the entirety of intelligence.

How is IQ Measured?

How is IQ Measured?

IQ tests are standardized assessments of your cognitive skills. They often incorporate puzzles and questions that assess your performance in various areas. The most well-known and widely used tests include the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC).

These tests generate a single IQ score. This is supposed to reflect your cognitive performance compared to others. Hence, your IQ can be compared when you learn the average IQ score below.

But what does the IQ test involve? Here is a quick breakdown of what to expect:

  • Verbal Comprehension: This section will evaluate your language skills. This could encompass vocabulary, word meanings, and verbal reasoning. You can expect questions about synonyms and similar topics.
  • Visual-Spatial Reasoning: You are expected to manipulate and understand visual data. That could include puzzles and spatial recognition.
  • Working Memory: You must remember and process sequences of numbers, letters, or shapes.
  • Processing Speed: This section of exams will measure how quickly you can respond to data and information. It could involve matching symbols.
  • Fluid Reasoning: Fluid reasoning is related to the ability to think logically. You will solve problems, identify patterns, and solve relationships. It could also encompass completing a series of shapes.
  • Quantitative Reasoning: This reasoning often involves arithmetic problems and working with numerical sequences.
  • Memory Recall: Memory recall is about how well you can remember information presented to you earlier. It could include pictures, words, numbers, or symbols.
  • Symbolic Operations: You should be able to work with abstract symbols. Moreover, you should perform mental operations on them, including rotations and transformations.

What Does an IQ Level Indicate?

What Does an IQ Level Indicate?

Below is a representation of IQ scores interpretation. You can find out more through Very Well Mind.

Extremely Gifted 160+ Exceptionally high intelligence, extraordinary problem-solving skills, remarkable memory, and potential for exceptional achievements in various fields. May exhibit intense focus and unique talents.
Highly Gifted 145 – 159 Very high intelligence, advanced problem-solving abilities, and exceptional memory. Likely to excel in academic pursuits and show early signs of special talents or areas of expertise.
Moderately Gifted 130 – 144 Above-average intelligence, strong problem-solving skills, and a quick grasp of new concepts. Likely to perform well academically and display talent in specific areas of interest.
Above Average 115 – 129 Above-average intelligence, good problem-solving abilities, and a solid understanding of complex concepts. Capable of succeeding in most academic and professional pursuits.
Average 85 – 114 The average IQ score falls within this range. Represents an average level of cognitive abilities, with a balanced mix of strengths and weaknesses in various cognitive domains.
Below Average 70 – 84 Below-average intelligence, may experience challenges with complex problem-solving and academic performance. May benefit from additional support and tailored learning strategies.
Mildly Impaired 55 – 69 Mild intellectual impairment, may have difficulties with basic academic skills and everyday tasks. Often requires extra support and assistance to achieve personal goals and independence.
Moderately Impaired 40 – 54 Moderate intellectual impairment, may have significant challenges in communication and adaptive skills. Likely to need ongoing assistance and support in daily living activities.
Severely Impaired 25 – 39 Severe intellectual impairment, significant difficulties in communication and adaptive functioning. Requires constant support and supervision in daily activities.
Profoundly Impaired 0 – 24 Profound intellectual impairment, significant limitations in cognitive and adaptive functioning. Highly dependent on others for all aspects of daily life.

What is the Average IQ of a Person?

What is the Average IQ of a Person?

The average IQ in the world is said to be between 85 and 115. Furthermore, it is estimated that 98% of the population has an IQ of less than 130. This means that just 2% of the world’s population is above average. However, there are a few more statistics to consider. This section investigates IQ scores by age and country.

IQ Scores by Age

According to data collected by IQ Tests, the following is a representation of the average IQ score by age:

  • Infants (between 1 to 9-year-olds): 10 – 30
  • Children (between 10 to 13-year-olds): 30 – 65
  • Teenagers (between 14 to 16-year-olds): 60 – 90
  • Young adults (between 16 to 24-year-olds): 99 – 108
  • Adults (between 25 to 74-year-olds): 97 – 119

IQ Scores by Country

The average IQ in the world is estimated to be around 100. However, things become interesting when looking at the information provided by World Data. The average IQ in the US is about 97. However, four countries tie as the highest IQ countries. These stand at an IQ of 106: Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan. The lowest IQ according to the country is 51, which is found in Nepal.

5 Factors That Influence IQ Scores5 Factors That Influence IQ Scores

According to Medline Plus, various factors influence IQ scores. Some that are worth noting include:


Research shows that genetics is generally known to play a substantial impact in determining cognitive skills. According to research, intelligence is heritable, which means that some IQ variation may be linked to genetic characteristics inherited from parents.

Early Childhood Environment

The early years of a child’s life are critical for brain development. Exposure to a nurturing and stimulating environment rich in language, cognitive stimulation, and social interaction can positively impact cognitive development.

Education and Learning Opportunities

Access to high-quality education and learning opportunities can have a major impact on IQ levels.


Proper nutrition is critical for healthy brain development, especially in early life. Malnutrition or deficiencies in essential nutrients can negatively affect cognitive development and IQ scores.

Environmental Toxins

Exposure to environmental toxins, like lead and other pollutants, can have a harmful impact on brain development and cognitive capacities.

Controversies Surrounding IQ Scores

Controversies Surrounding IQ Scores

There are many controversies surrounding high IQ scores and their general interpretations. Some include:

  • Cultural Bias. IQ tests have been proven to favor the White population.
  • Socioeconomic Influence. Access to quality education and resources strongly impacts IQ scores.
  • Limitations in Measuring Intelligence. Intelligence cannot be measured through one sole test. Intelligence also includes emotional intelligence, creativity, and adaptability.
  • Environmental and Developmental Factors. IQ scores can be influenced by early childhood experiences, education, and nutrition.
  • Relevance in Diverse Populations. The cultural and linguistic differences in populations raise questions about the relevance and validity of the IQ test.
  • Stigmatization and Labeling. IQ scores have been historically misused to label people and perpetuate stereotypes.

Wrapping Things Up: What is the Average IQ Score?

To summarize, while IQ scores give a numerical depiction of cognitive ability, they do not fully express the complexity of intelligence. Genetics, environment, and early experiences all have an impact on intelligence.

While IQ testing can provide helpful information, they have limits and can be impacted by cultural prejudices. Understanding intelligence necessitates an appreciation for its diversity and the distinct capabilities that each individual possesses. Let us accept this complexity and rejoice in the variety of human potential.

Picture of Professor Conquer
Professor Conquer

Professor Conquer started Conquer Your Exam in 2018 to help students feel more confident and better prepared for their tough tests. Prof excelled in high school, graduating top of his class and receiving admissions into several Ivy League and top 15 schools. He has helped many students through the years tutoring and mentoring K-12, consulting seniors through the college admissions process, and writing extensive how-to guides for school.

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