How is the OAR Score Calculated?

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Are you confused about how the OAR score is calculated? If so, you’ve come to the right place! There is so much information out there about the OAR exam that it can get a little confusing. We’re here to answer your burning questions about the scoring of the OAR exams and provide you with some great tips and tricks to help crush the exam along the way.

First things first, we need to establish what the OAR exam is. The OAR exam is three parts of the seven parts that make up the Aviation Standard Test Battery Exam or the ASTB-E. The OAR is required by anyone needing to take the whole ASTB-E, including many Navy, Coast Guard, and Marines positions. It can also be taken on its own without the other four parts of the ASTB-E. This way of taking the OAR is common in some positions, such as the Navy Officer Cadet School.

Is the OAR Test Hard?Is the OAR Test Hard?

When thinking about if the OAR test is hard, it is important to consider why you would take the OAR test. If you are thinking of taking the OAR, this means that you are joining the Marines, Navy, or Coast Guard in some capacity. This is an already demanding job, so it makes sense that the test to get into these careers is demanding as well.

As with any test, it is worth saying that every person will find the test different depending on their background and how much or how little they prepared for the exam. Proper preparation is key to crushing the OAR and not finding it too challenging.

The OAR is designed to test you, so you should expect the exam to need good preparation. This is common amongst large and significant exams. The OAR, along with many other extensive exams, is considered to be a challenging exam but is by no means impossible. You have complete control over how well prepared you are for your OAR exam, so make sure you are well prepared and do great.

What is on the OAR Test?

What is on the OAR Test?

The OAR test covers three different sections: math, reading comprehension, and mechanical comprehension.


Word problems heavily dominate the math on the OAR exam. The math part of the OAR will take you 40 minutes to complete, and you will be asked 30 questions if you are taking the test on paper. This section covers topics ranging from percentages and fractions to angles and basic geometry.

Reading comprehension

The reading comprehension section of the OAR will take you 30 minutes and will comprise 20 questions on the paper version. In order to do well in the reading section, you will need to be good at pulling information out of passages or phrases that you are asked to read.

Mechanical Comprehension

The mechanical comprehension section of the OAR will consist of 30 questions on the paper version, and you will have 15 minutes to complete it all. This section covers volume, pulleys, pressure, and more. Think of this section as a condensed version of high school physics.

With all sections, we specified how many questions you should expect on the paper version, but if you are taking the test on the computer, there may not be this many questions in each section. An algorithm calculates your score, so while most test-takers do have close to the same number of questions as they would have on the paper version, the computer will tell you that you are done when it has enough to calculate your score.

By using this system, you may have a shorter reading section and a full-length math section. Good practice tests will have a scoring key and give you information on scoring the test yourself, but you should expect that your test will be scored by a computer and based on an algorithm. It all depends on how you are doing with the questions that the computer is giving you.

What is a Good Score on OAR?

What is a Good Score on OAR?

Understanding a good score on the OAR exam is a challenging question since each position requiring you to take the OAR has a different passing score. In general, the OAR is scored cumulatively, and you will receive one score that represents all three sections ranging from 20 to 80. Most people will receive scores between 40 and 60.

Let’s look at the Navy OAR score requirements as an example. In order to even be considered by the Navy, you must receive an OAR score of at least 35. Since 35 is the bare minimum you need to even be considered, it is often not enough for you to be accepted. The minimum score that the Navy accepts will change with every application pool and isn’t a hard and fast cut-off. Instead, they utilize the score alongside all your other application material to make their decisions.

Make sure that you check the minimum score for the position you are planning on applying to before you take the exam. While the Navy requires a score of 35, other positions may require higher scores. You will want to aim for a score that is a good amount above this minimum.

How to Pass the OAR Test: 3 Strategies

How to Pass the OAR Test: 3 Strategies

Passing the OAR test is as simple as studying and preparing right, but what does that really mean? Well, we are here to break it down. Here are our three favorite strategies for crushing the OAR:

Get a good study guide

Getting a good study guide from a reputable company is the key to crushing the OAR or any other significant test you might have to sit. Companies like MoMetrix and Trivium make some excellent study guides that they update every year to keep up with the changing test.

Investing in a good study guide will provide you with lots of resources. Make sure that you get a guide with good practice questions and plenty of practice tests. Having a good amount of practice tests will allow you to keep track of how ready you are to take the OAR exam.

Create and stick to a study schedule

Creating a study schedule is a great way to make sure that you stay on top of your studying and are prepared when it comes time to take your exam. We recommend taking a practice test to see how ready you already are before you start studying and then creating a study schedule.

Your study schedule should be reasonable enough that you can stick to it, but it should also include enough studying to prepare you for your exam. Making a good study schedule and actually sticking to it is a skill you will need to develop and practice over time, so don’t worry if it feels challenging.

If you would like some help creating a study schedule or sticking to your new schedule, feel free to check out our other articles on this topic.

Take care of yourself!

Taking care of yourself can seem like a lot to think about when you’re stressed, but it doesn’t have to be like that. Taking care of yourself is often overlooked, but it is really the best strategy you have in your toolbox for extensive tests. If you are not taking care of yourself, nothing else you do will really matter much.

Make sure that you get enough sleep, drink enough water, and eat good food. All three of these things will help to fuel your brain and give it the nutrients and energy it needs to keep studying. While you sleep, your brain stores the information you’ve learned, so you won’t remember anything without sleep.

Wrapping Things Up: How is the OAR Score Calculated?

Understanding what you will expect from the OAR is a great place to start when preparing for the exam. Knowing the subjects that the three sections covered and having plenty of practice questions completed will ensure that you will have the best shot at a fantastic score.

Since an algorithm scores the OAR, make sure that you do your best on every question, so your score will reflect your best attempt. By following our tips and tricks, you will be well on your way to crushing your OAR exam! From taking care of yourself to picking the right study materials, it will all have an impact on your final score.

Picture of Professor Conquer
Professor Conquer

Professor Conquer started Conquer Your Exam in 2018 to help students feel more confident and better prepared for their tough tests. Prof excelled in high school, graduating top of his class and receiving admissions into several Ivy League and top 15 schools. He has helped many students through the years tutoring and mentoring K-12, consulting seniors through the college admissions process, and writing extensive how-to guides for school.

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