Category: College Study Tips

What Kind of Math is on the SAT?

What Kind of Math is on the SAT?

Students looking forward to college have more than just their transcripts and tuition to worry about. Many institutions ask for students who have completed their SATs with a good enough score. The SAT is a

What are the Negative Effects of Homeschooling?

What are the Negative Effects of Homeschooling?

Are you a parent thinking of switching your kids from the traditional schooling system to homeschooling? This article highlights everything you should know about homeschooling before making the decision. Homeschooling generally involves learning at homes

AP Calculus AB vs. BC

AP Calculus AB vs. BC: What’s the Difference?

Calculus is a massive subject. The term broadly defines the field of math that studies derivatives and integrals. In order to fit all that is considered calculus on an AP exam, the college board divided

How to Write a Rhetorical Essay?

How to Write a Rhetorical Essay?

A rhetorical essay is a formal written work that communicates an argument or sometimes expresses a purpose and tone. The reasoning behind the writer’s point is supported by examples and discussions, which can be persuasive.

Is Linear Algebra Harder Than Calculus?

Is Linear Algebra Harder Than Calculus?

Calculus is often viewed as the “hardest” math course a student can take. Linear algebra, on the other hand, is seen as something that only scientists need to know. This perception of linear algebra is

What is Restrictive Early Action?

What is Restrictive Early Action?

As a student heading off to college or university, you want to secure your place in your dream degree or university. However, you’re not the only one looking for a secure position in this world.

What Cords Can You Get for College Graduation?

What Cords Can You Get for College Graduation?

Graduation day is coming up, and you’re worried about how you look. It’s fine! After all, you would want to look your best for your last day in high school (or college), and those fancy-looking

What are the Easiest DSST Exams?

What are the Easiest DSST Exams?

Are you thinking of taking a DSST exam but don’t know where to start? Maybe you are an active-duty military member looking to go back to school and are just beginning to explore your options?

Is DSST Only for Military?

Is DSST Only for Military?

As more and more colleges realize that traditional, standardized ways of learning need to be reconstructed to meet the ever-evolving education system, many people are finding alternative ways to gain college credits and obtain a