Can Colleges See Where Else You’ve Applied?

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One of the questions by students is, “can colleges see where else you’ve applied?” You will consider many colleges but only choose the best one.

Do not worry because, most probably, there are many college institutions in your place, and they don’t talk about the enrollees. Chances are, the incoming first-year students are too many that they don’t have time to discuss the admission process of other colleges. It is normal to consider more than five colleges and eventually choose only one. The officer-in-charge of the enrollment will not have a wrong impression on those students who applied to multiple colleges.

Why Do Students Apply to Different Colleges?Why Do Students Apply to Different Colleges?

Applying to different colleges is not a crime. It is highly recommended that you apply to several colleges, and here’s the reason why:

The more, the merrier.

It is exciting to receive several acceptance letters from the colleges you’ve applied to. You will have a lot of options in choosing the best one that matches your preferences. After applying and being accepted, you may compare and discover each college’s facilities, costs, and services. This way, you can narrow your choices and increase your chance of landing in your perfect college.

It gives more motivation.

By applying to several colleges, you will feel motivated because these colleges are your personal choice. Hence, you will feel determined to enter and finish college while being satisfied with the quality of education you receive from the institution.

It prevents future regrets.

Through multiple applications to your preferred college, you will most likely end up in the perfect college for you. Hence, you will not regret your decision while feeling satisfied after carefully checking and comparing one college to another.

Do Colleges Check Your Applications to Other Schools?

Do Colleges Check Your Applications to Other Schools?

Most of the time, colleges don’t check your applications to other schools. The enrollment officers know that revealing the applicants’ information is against the code of ethics.

There are some ways how the enrollment officer determines where else you applied. However, this is not one of the most important factors in college admissions. It does not even affect your admission acceptance.

Transcript – in the transcript, you will find the date and the college institution where you applied. When you give your transcript to the college you’ve applied for, they will be able to see your activities.

Interview – most colleges interview their applicants. You can be asked about the various colleges you’ve applied for. Just be honest because this won’t affect your admission.

Early decision – with the early decision program, you will need to sign an agreement to enroll in the college where you are accepted and reject your other applications. Once you sign the agreement, the college will verify it from other colleges whether you applied to multiple institutions or you have followed the rule.

Online apps – some colleges use technology like an online application to determine the colleges that you applied for.

What Matters Most in College Admission?

What Matters Most in College Admission?

Most colleges disseminate ahead of time their admission requirements. They are willing to reveal the factors that would help the first-year students get accepted. By doing so, students will know what to prepare ahead of time. What do college admissions look for?


Before college, you must make sure that you have good grades in high school. Your grades will give the enrollment officer an idea of what kind of student you are. You will have a higher chance of getting accepted with good grades in all subjects.

Relevance of Your Preparatory Course

As early as high school, it would be best if your preparatory course was already aligned with your target main course in college. You will probably get accepted when your preparatory course is aligned with your main course. It will also prepare you for the upcoming challenges once you start your college life.

Admission Test Result

It would be best if you aimed for a high score on your admission test result. Once you have a good result, you also increase your chance of getting accepted to the college department you want. You can buy a reviewer or enroll in an online course that would help you get high scores on your admission test.


Most colleges interview their incoming first-year students. In this way, the enrollment officer will have an idea about your personality. That’s why you must confidently answer the questions during the interview. You must show your strength and convince the enrollment officer that you deserve to be accepted. It is also through an interview that gives the enrollment officer the idea of how you communicate.

Essay Writing Sample

Usually, a topic is given to you, and you need to elaborate. Some colleges require you to write an essay. In this way, the admission officer will understand how good you are in writing. Moreover, this is also one way of knowing more about your personality since, most of the time, it is a personal question where you can share your own experience, reflection, or opinion. Plus, it would be best if you have a good penmanship.

Letter of Recommendation

A letter of recommendation from your teacher or guidance counselor is a plus point. The letter of recommendation is adequate to message the admission officer that you deserve to be accepted. In this manner, the admission officer will be able to determine your academic capabilities and personality based on the recommendation from your previous teacher or guidance counselor.

Psychological Test

This test is to determine your personality. Most colleges not only want intelligent students, but they would also like students with positive traits and characters. These students are easy to deal with, which maintains the harmonious environment in the college that leads to a conducive place for learning.

Excellent Talent

The college will probably consider you because you can someday be an asset to the institution. If you are good in sports like basketball, you have a golden voice in singing, or you have a flexible body in dancing, you can show it to the admission officer to be considered. Although this is not a common criteria  in all colleges, it would be best if you have an excellent talent in sports, arts, music, dancing, etc.

No Records of Violence and other Misconduct

You must prove to the college that you are intelligent, talented, and skillful. You must also prove to them that you maintain a positive record and good reputation by not having any records on violence and other grave misconduct like cheating, plagiarism, stealing, and many more. Once you have a history of a grave offense, the admission officer will most likely be discouraged from accepting you as you may bring problems to the university in the future.

Wrapping Things Up: Can Colleges See Where Else You’ve Applied?

Can colleges see where else you’ve applied? The answer is NO. The enrollment officer from different colleges will not share information about their enrollees because the main reason is that it is against the code of ethics. There are several reasons why students will apply to various colleges. It gives them the security that they would get accepted to college, the motivation to pursue their dreams, and prevents them from future regrets.

However, there are rare cases when the admission officers need to share information, such as if you avail the early decision for college application. Aside from that, the college will also know that you have applied to multiple colleges when you explain it during the interview. Take note that there is nothing wrong if you apply to many colleges. Of course, you want to ensure your future.

To be accepted, you must know the most important factors in college admissions like good grades, high admission test results, positive personality determined through an interview and essay, no record of a grave offense, and possess extraordinary talent. When you have all these criteria, you will probably get accepted easily!

Picture of Professor Conquer
Professor Conquer

Professor Conquer started Conquer Your Exam in 2018 to help students feel more confident and better prepared for their tough tests. Prof excelled in high school, graduating top of his class and receiving admissions into several Ivy League and top 15 schools. He has helped many students through the years tutoring and mentoring K-12, consulting seniors through the college admissions process, and writing extensive how-to guides for school.

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