For those planning on heading off to college in Virginia it’s definitely important to look for some scholarships to assist. Over 92,000 students graduate from high school or otherwise complete their high school requirements each year and a large number of them are going to one of the 172 different colleges and universities throughout the state. That’s why it’s important to know where the best scholarships in Virginia are located before you start planning your schooling.
For those who have specific characteristics to consider, like high levels of achievement, minority status or extensive community service, there may also be specialized scholarships that you could apply for. With each of these, you might be surprised just how much money you could get to help toward your plans for college. If you’re looking for Virginia merit scholarships and more, you just might find some of them in this list.
No matter what you’re planning, applying for scholarships is a great way to go and it will definitely make tuition a lot more affordable. So just keep looking for those best scholarships in Virginia.
Looking for scholarships in another state? Check out our other scholarship lists here.
This post is part of our Ultimate FAQ for Applying to Scholarships.
The Best Scholarships in Virginia for High Achieving Students
1. Undergraduate STEM Research Scholarship Program
- Description: The Undergraduate STEM Research Program is funded in conjunction with the Commonwealth of Virginia and NASA to promote students in STEM research programs as well as increasing the participation of underrepresented students.
- Amount: Up to $8,500
- Requirements: Students must be U.S. citizens who are enrolled full-time at one of five approved institutions. They must also have completed at least 2 years of their STEM undergraduate program and maintain a grade point average of at least 3.0.
- How to Apply: Applications must be submitted by January 28th and must include statements from the student as well as a resume, letters of recommendation and other documents. Information and applications can be found here.
2. West Virginia Promise Scholarship Program
- Description: Students within the West Virginia area who achieve high level academic achievement can be eligible to receive additional assistance to attend an eligible public or private institution within West Virginia.
- Amount: Up to $4,700
- Requirements: Applications must be completed within two years of graduating high school. They must also have completed their graduation requirements at a public or private school in West Virginia and have at least a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale as well as receiving a minimum 22 composite score on the ACT or 1100 on the SAT.
- How to Apply: Students must apply by completing the FAFSA form as well as the Promise Scholarship application.
3. Granville P Meade Scholarship
- Description: The Granville P. Meade Scholarship was created to provide assistance to students who are high achievers but who also have financial difficulties.
- Amount: $2,000 per year for 4 years
- Requirements: In order to qualify for this scholarship students must exhibit financial assistance and must also show that they are academically elevated. They must also be seniors in high school within Virginia and planning to attend a private or public Virginia college or university.
- How to Apply: Applications can be submitted to your high school principal and must be returned by March 15.
4. NIADA Foundation Regional Scholarships
- Description: This scholarship is designated to help students with what they consider outstanding educational abilities. It can be used at any college or university within participating regions.
- Amount: $3,500
- Requirements: Students must showcase not only academic ability but also leadership and service in the community. Different scholarships are available for subspecialty programs.
- How to Apply: Applications are available online and must be completed by June.
5. Roothbert Fund Scholarship
- Description: The Fund itself was created in 1958 by Albert and Toni, who sought to aide those in financial need with continuing their education. This scholarship is intended to help those students attend either undergraduate or graduate programs.
- Amount: $2,000 – $3,000
- Requirements: Students are motivated by ‘spiritual values’ though no specific religious practice or place of worship. They also must show high achievement and may also be pursing education.
- How to Apply: To apply students must submit an online application, however they will also be brought in to interview with the committee for final selection. Applications are available only during the window between November 1 and February 1.
6. Sherman & Nancy Reece Endowment Scholarship:
- Description: This endowment is one of many scholarships offered by Epsilon Sigma Alpha to help high achieving students with continuing education and also to improve the world through altruistic endeavors.
- Amount: $1,850
- Requirements: Students must be a high school graduate from Virginia and must have a GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. They must also exhibit service and leadership, financial need and scholastic ability to be considered.
- How to Apply: Applications must be completed online and are available here during the open period.
7. George Mason University NVTC-Bannister Scholarship
- Description: The family of scholarships from this university seek to reward high achieving and hard working students within the state.
- Amount: $2,500
- Requirements: Students must apply for this scholarship during their junior year of college and must plan to attend George Mason University. They must also be enrolling specifically in a program through the technology discipline and have a GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
- How to Apply: Students who apply to the university are automatically eligible for this scholarship and others.
8. Jefferson Scholarship
- Description: Designed to help create leaders at the University of Virginia, this scholarship is actually part of a full program that offers full 4 year tuition to students as well as extras throughout the year.
- Amount: Full tuition + Stipend
- Requirements: Students must be nominated for the Jefferson scholarship, which can be done by their school. Students must show depth and diversity of talent to pass this level of the process and then must participate in regional competitions and then the selection weekend.
- How to Apply: Students must be nominated by their school. Check out the process right here.
The Best Scholarships in Virginia for Minorities or Underrepresented Groups
1. CBC Spouses Education Scholarship
- Description: Awarded to African-American students within the district of a CBC member.
- Amount: $1,500 – $8,200
- Requirements: Students who apply for the CBC Spouses Scholarship must be U.S. citizens living and attending an accredited university, full time, within the district of a CBC member. They must also exhibit community service and leaderships and have at least a 2.5 GPA.
- How to Apply: Application information is available online and the application can be filled out here.
2. Lettie Pate Whitehead Scholarship Program
- Description: Awarded to females with financial need.
- Amount: Varies based on institution
- Requirements: Female students must exhibit financial need and be attending an accredited institution within one of several states in the southern region of the United States.
- How to Apply: Apply through your university or college.
3. Foster Children Tuition Grant
- Description: The Foster Children Tuition Grant is designed to help students who are in or have been in foster care or the custody of what’s considered a social services agency. This also includes students who are regarded as a special needs adoption. It was created in 2000 to help provide funds for these youth to attend higher education.
- Amount: Remaining amount of tuition due
- Requirements: Students must have been in one of the above classes when completing their GED or graduating from college. They must also remain enrolled at least half time and be residents of Virginia demonstrating financial need.
- How to Apply: Students must complete the FAFSA form as well as documentation from the Department of Social Services. More information is available here.
4. Korean American Scholarship Foundation
- Description: This scholarship foundation was created to help Korean American students to pursue academic achievement as well as encouraging community and civic service for the development of future leaders.
- Amount: $500 – $5,000
- Requirements: Students who apply for this scholarship must be full time at a school in a designated eastern region during the coming school year with a GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. They must also demonstrate financial need.
- How to Apply: Applications, with essay and community service information and recommendations must be completed and returned by the end of June.
5. Polish-American Arts Association
- Description: This scholarship program was designed to support and promote higher education and scholastic endeavors of youth and provides a level of support to students who exhibit specific traits and need.
- Amount: $5,000
- Requirements: Students must show that they are an American citizen of Polish or Polish-American descent. They must live within Washington, D.C., Maryland or Virginia and be a full-time college student as well as being involved within the Polish community and be academically advanced as well as exhibit financial need.
- How to Apply: Students may apply by completing an application package that includes the scholarship form, transcripts, letters of recommendation, an essay and even a family tree and resume. Documents may be sent by mail or email. For more information check here.
6. Virginia Senior Citizens Tuition Waiver:
- Description: The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia created this tuition waiver to allow senior citizens to attend classes at public Virginia institutions without having to incur the costs associated with tuition and fees.
- Amount: Full tuition waiver
- Requirements: Senior citizens must have a taxable income of less than $15,000 and take a course for academic credit. Those taking classes only as an audit or non-credit may receive tuition waiver regardless of income.
- How to Apply: Applications can be found at the school that you wish to attend and turned in there.
7. CGSM Fellowship for Talented Minorities:
- Description: The CGSM has been providing fellowships since 1966, and has given away over $390 million to some of the best students in the country. With several different programs the organization can offer excellent opportunities for students.
- Amount: Full tuition + fees for 2 years
- Requirements: Students must be attending a member school and complete an interview with a Consortium representative. Students must complete an application and essay, as well as submit transcripts, professional recommendations and demonstrate their commitment.
- How to Apply: Students can fill out the application online and get more information about the process to apply.
8. Mary Jones Berry Scholarship
- Description: This relatively recent scholarship, established in 2014, was created to help students pursuing a degree in aerospace, manufacturing and engineering and other related fields in their graduate degree programs.
- Amount: $1,250
- Requirements: Students must be pursuing a degree within the required fields as well as attending a preferred university in and around Virginia.
- How to Apply: Students can complete an application online for all of the Society of Women Engineers scholarships to see which ones they qualify for. The information can be found right here.
The Best Scholarships in Virginia for Community Service
1. Leo Bourassa Scholarship
- Description: This program is designed to help promote and educate others about sustainable stormwater management, and to help protect the lakes and water resources within the state.
- Amount: $3,000
- Requirements: Those who apply have to be attending an accredited college or university in Virginia and also be a resident of Virginia. They also must have completed at least two semesters of their undergraduate study and be pursuing a degree related to water resources.
- How to Apply: You can fill out the application directly on the website of the Virginia Lakes and Watersheds Association.
2. Prudential Spirit of Community Award
- Description: Considered the country’s largest youth recognition program that is based solely on community service, this award is offered to students at the middle school and high school level.
- Amount: $6,000
- Requirements: Students must be in grade 5-12, be a resident of a U.S. state and have engaged in volunteer activities within 12 months prior to their application. They must also complete the application and submit it to the local branch of the organization. Students can receive local recognition and can be nominated to other levels, which include a grant at the State and National levels.
- How to Apply: Students can complete the online application through the Prudential website and find out more here.
3. Landscape Forms Design for People Scholarship
- Description: This scholarship was created for Peter Schaudt, who dedicated nearly 30 years to landscape architecture and participated in a number of distinguished events as a result. His scholarship helps landscape architecture students who are completing the last two years of their undergraduate study at a LAAB or CSLA accredited school.
- Amount: $5,000
- Requirements: Students must show commitment to creating artfully designed places that people can spend time. Students are awarded the scholarship based on their academic achievement and their creative design capabilities.
- How to Apply: Applications can be filled out entirely online and must include only the documents requested. Information can be found here.
The Best in State Scholarships and Grants for Virginia Colleges
1. Virginia Military Survivors & Dependents Education program
- Description: This program is designed to help spouses as well as children of military service members who have been killed, taken prisoner, declared totally and permanently disabled or missing in action from the United States military.
- Amount: Full Tuition
- Requirements: Students must be attending a Virginia college or university. They must likewise be the spouse of or child between the ages of 16 and 29, of a qualifying veteran who fits the qualifications above.
- How to Apply: Students must create an account and apply through this online application.
2. Carville M. Akehurst Memorial Scholarship
- Description: The Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show, Inc. founded the Carville M. Akehurst Memorial Scholarship as a memorial to Mr. Akehurst, who helped to found the organization. This scholarship then helps students within a similar field to attend school.
- Amount: $5,000
- Requirements: A student must be a resident of and enrolled in school within Maryland, Virginia or West Virginia. They must also be working toward a two or four-year degree in landscaping or horticulture or a related field and must be a full-time student.
- How to Apply: Applications are available starting in May and close in the middle of September. You can find the information here.
3. Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant Program
- Description: The Virginia Tuition Assistance Program was founded in 1972 to help students from Virginia to attend private nonprofit colleges and universities.
- Amount: $3,400
- Requirements: Students must be attending an eligible institution and must be a resident of Virginia as well as being a full-time student in an undergraduate, graduate or professional program. They also must be pursuing an eligible program to be considered.
- How to Apply: Applications can be picked up at the financial aid office of your institution and must be submitted by July 31 prior to the fall semester of planned enrollment.
4. Two-Year College Transfer Grant
- Description: This relatively new program is designed to help students to complete their associates degree within a Virginia two-year college and then to transfer to a Virginia four-year college. Students can receive assistance for both their two-year program and four-year program.
- Amount: $1,000 per year plus incentives
- Requirements: Students must be entering their freshman year at a two-year college for the first time and be attending in-state classes. They must also be engaged in selective service and enroll in specific programs within the school. They also must complete the FAFSA form and have an EFC of 12,000 or less.
- How to Apply: Students must complete the application and submit it to their university with a copy of their academic transcript.
5. Virginia Part-Time Assistance Program
- Description: The Part-Time Assistance Program is designed to allow part-time, undergraduate students to continue their college education even when faced with financial need. This grant is given directly to the community colleges within the state of Virginia.
- Amount: Vary by institution
- Requirements: Students must be attending community college within Virginia and taking at least one credit hour of classes toward pursuing a degree. They must also be a U.S. citizen, reside in Virginia and be shown to have financial need.
- How to Apply: Students can apply through their school financial aid office and may renew the scholarship.
6. Horatio Alger Scholarship Program
- Description: The Horatio Alger program offers scholarships to students in all 50 states as well as the District of Columbia. Each state has several winners who can then be moved forward to potentially earn the national scholarship. It is awarded to students who exhibit rising over challenges and great obstacles in their life and work to become business and civic leaders.
- Amount: $10,000
- Requirements: This scholarship requires that students be full time high school seniors in the United States, have a strong commitment to pursue a bachelor’s degree, demonstrate financial need and be involved in community service or co-curricular activities. Students must also exhibit integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity and have a GPA of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.
- How to Apply: Students can fill out the application between the beginning of August and the middle of October, which is available here.
7. VMFA Visual Arts Fellowship
- Description: Sponsored by the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, this fellowship is considered one of the best sources of funding for visual arts and art history within the state. It has provided approximately $5.8 million to Virginia students in these areas and was established in 1940.
- Amount: $4,000 – $8,000
- Requirements: There are several different categories that students can apply for from the undergraduate program to the professional artist program with different amounts available at each level. Students must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States and residents of Virginia for at least 2 years. They must also remain a Virginia resident and seeking a degree at an accredited college, university or art school.
- How to Apply: Students must apply by November 1st and can complete the general application as well as submit work samples online, here.
8. James McPherson Memorial Endowment Scholarship
- Description: The James McPherson Memorial Scholarship is awarded through the Epsilon Sigma Alpha Foundation and was originally created by Cynthia Maxwell. The very first of this scholarship was awarded in 2006.
- Amount: $900
- Requirements: Students must exhibit leadership and service as well as scholastic ability and financial need in order to be chosen for the scholarship program. They must have at least a 3.0 GPA or be within the top 25% of their high school class or have an ACT of 22+ or SAT of 950+.
- How to Apply: Applications can be completed online and are available through the program website.
9. Joseph C. Eaheart Jr. Endowment Scholarship
- Description: Established in 2002, the Joseph C. Eaheart Jr. Endowment is designed to reward young people who strive to learn and to do their best in school.
- Amount: $2,500
- Requirements: Students must exhibit financial need, scholastic ability and service and leadership to be eligible as well as graduating from Warner County Public Schools. They must also have a GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
- How to Apply: Students can apply through the online system within the program website. The information and application are available here.
10. Virginia State Endowment Scholarship
- Description: This endowment was first established to honor Flora Burns from the Virginia State Council. Flora served as the Virginia State President of the organization and also has completed a number of additional advancements. The scholarship seeks to aid students who achieve academic excellence and more.
- Amount: $1,000
- Requirements: Students must exhibit financial need, scholastic ability and service and leadership. They must have a GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and reside within the state of Virginia.
- How to Apply: Applications can be filled out online through the system website and will allow students to apply for multiple scholarships. Applications are available here.
11. Arthur and Nell Lewis Memorial Scholarship
- Description: This scholarship is designed to aid students who are studying and looking to improve the field of agriculture to get the assistance they need as a reward for academic excellence.
- Amount: $1,500
- Requirements: Students must be pursuing a 4-year degree which must be in the field of agricultural education. They must likewise be attending one of the required schools and a member of the Virginia FFA. Students must have a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale and must be residents of the state of Virginia.
- How to Apply: Applications can be completed on the website and must be received by February of the year before they will be required.
Hopefully some of these Virginia scholarships are going to make it easier for you to attend the college or university that you’ve been hoping for. Whether you’ve been applying for months (or even years) or you’re just getting started, you can absolutely make college a much more realistic option and one that will help you toward the future you planned for.
Applying to schools in another state? Check out our other scholarship lists here.
Finally, if you’re looking to figure out whether to use Cappex (click here to apply for their $1000 monthly scholarship), ScholarshipOwl or some other site, read our post on the top scholarship sites to use here.