The Best ABO Exam Prep of 2024

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Are you interested in taking a career path in Opticianry? Do the idea of working in an eye clinic and dispensing eyewear interest you? If you answered yes to these questions, you’d need to write and pass the ABO certification exam. The exam, which is conducted by the American Board of Opticianry and National Contact Lens Examiners (ABO-NCLE), qualifies candidates for a certificate in opticianry.

But, it’s not as easy as it sounds, and candidates must put in extra effort to prepare for the exam. What should you study? Here’s a detailed list of the best ABO exam prep books and resources to help you glide through the preparatory phase.

If you want to just get back to studying, get our top choice for ABO exam prep book here.

Our Favorites for Best ABO Exam Prep

Optician Certification Exam Prep: 200 practice questions by Dynamic Path

This ABO optician exam prep book by Dynamic Path covers relevant topics from the ABO exam syllabus. The most obvious feature of the book is its content of over 200 multiple-choice questions. However, it doesn’t just stop there – it offers a detailed explanation of the answer to each question. This explanation helps to ensure you don’t just know the answers, but you also know the reasons why they are the answers. The module covers all the content areas of the ABO optician exam. Although it’s a little bulky and may take some time to complete, it still offers you details you’ll need to answer applied questions.

Some content areas covered by the Optician Certification Exam Prep: 200 practice questions by Dynamic Path include Ophthalmic Products Ophthalmic Optics Ocular Anatomy, Regulations, Physiology, and Pathology Laws, and Standards Instrumentation Dispensing.

What Makes it Unique:

  • The Optician Certification Exam Prep: 200 practice questions by Dynamic Path bases its contents on answering over 200 practice test questions to familiarise you with the test structure.
  • It provides detailed explanations of the answers to each question
  • The ABO study guide encompasses questions and explanations from all the expected subject areas.

Why Choose This ABO Exam Prep Guide:

  • It stimulates real test questions to help you get mentally ready for the test.
  • The guide features explanations that are detailed and simple to understand.
Optician Certification Exam Prep: 200 practice questions
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Path, Dynamic (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)

Last update: 2025-02-17

Optical Formulas Tutorial, 2nd Edition by Ellen D. Stoner

The Optical Formulas Tutorial, 2nd Edition by Ellen D. Stoner, is an easy-to-use workbook designed to help students and professionals prepare better for the ABO certification exam. It is also an exciting option for people that want to brush up on optical formulas. The book contains a detailed explanation of optical formulas. It also contains definitions and steps for solving common problems, including practical examples to make self-study easier and better. It’s a one-size-fits-all for all the information you’ll need for the exams. You’ll also benefit from the advanced exercises feature that allows you to prepare better for the exam.

What Makes it Unique:

  • The Optical Formulas Tutorial, 2nd Edition by Ellen D. Stoner, covers convenient reviews of optical formulas with examples and exercises to reinforce understanding.
  • Its work-text design allows readers to complete practice exercises within the book.

Why Choose ABO Exam Prep Guide:

  • The user-friendly explanation format featured in this book facilitates self-study and easier understanding.
  • The author adopts a logical writing structure to facilitate easier understanding.
By Ellen D. Stoner - Optical Formulas Tutorial: 2nd (second) Edition
  • Ellen D. Stoner (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • Elsevier Health Sciences (Publisher)

Last update: 2025-02-18

Our Runner Ups for Best ABO Exam Prep

PASSive: A Novel Approach: Passive Learning to Pass Your ABO by Mr. Jonathan Winnegrad

It’s easy to see why this is a preferred choice for many ABO candidates. The PASSive: A Novel Approach: Passive Learning to Pass Your ABO by Mr. Jonathan Winnegrad uses a hilarious writing style to explain relevant topics in the ABO exam outline. It outlines the writer’s experience as an ABO certification exam candidate and answers relevant questions about the exam. It’s an excellent choice for you if you want to learn from someone’s actual experience. The book simplifies conceptual definitions and explains them in the context of actual practice.

What Makes it Unique:

  • The PASSive: A Novel Approach: Passive Learning To Pass Your ABO by Mr. Jonathan Winnegrad features 15 hilarious “real-life” stories of optical encounters to help you navigate relevant topics of the ABO exam.
  • It’s an enjoyable option to help you get familiar with the practical application of topics you’ve already learned.

Why Choose This ABO Exam Prep Guide:

  • The author adopts a hilarious writing style to reinforce information and aid easy recollection of concepts.
  • It is brief and direct to the point.
PASSive: A Novel Approach: Passive Learning To Pass Your ABO
  • Winnegrad, Mr Jonathan (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 35 Pages - 05/14/2022 (Publication Date) - Independently published (Publisher)

Last update: 2025-02-17


OpenOptix ABO Study Guide Review Questions – Laramy-K Optical

The OpenOptix ABO Study Guide Review Questions is one of the most complete ABO optician exam prep guides because of how well it combines relevant information with practice questions. The document, also known as the optician works ABO study guide is free to use, share and distribute. It can be found on the optician works website, although the document’s value, quality, and success depend on your participation. The document doesn’t just stop at preparing you for the ABO certification exams; its contents are also designed to make readers better opticianry practitioners. It features an advanced explanation of important topics while also paying attention to the practical aspects of the exam. It is a complete package that seeks to improve practice quality.

What Makes it Unique:

  • The OpenOptix ABO Study Guide Review Questions combine the knowledge and experience of different industry experts.
  • This guide doesn’t just focus on ABO practice tests. It also provides detailed information that’ll help you become a better practitioner.

Why Choose This ABO Exam Prep Guide:

  • It is detailed, with all the right information to make self-study easier.
  • It’s available for download on different devices, so you can access your study materials on the go.

Our Value Pick for Best ABO Exam Prep

National Opticianry Competency Exam Secrets Study Guide: NOCE Test Review for the National Opticianry Competency Exam by NOCE Exam Secrets Test Prep Team

This is another obvious choice for you when looking for a complete prep guide covering everything from conceptual definitions to test questions and detailed answer explanations. It’s one of the most popular options out there because of the thoroughness of the review sections. The guide, prepared by a team of standardized test researchers, also contains secret tips to help test-takers know what to expect in the exam and how to tackle it. The practice test section provides answers and explanations on why those are the answers. This way, you can remember the answers when similar questions pop up on exam day. Plus, the book also simplifies the concept and provides real-time examples to make studying easier.

What Makes it Unique:

  • This book is detailed, with information on nearly every topic of the ABO syllabus.
  • It contains a detailed explanation of why the answers to questions are the way they are.

Why Choose This ABO Exam Prep Guide:

  • The authors of this book tell you what you need to pass in a concise, clear, and easily understandable manner.
  • Corresponding flashcards make studying easier and more fun.
On Sale
National Opticianry Competency Exam Secrets Study Guide: NOCE Test Review for the National Opticianry Competency Exam
  • NOCE Exam Secrets Test Prep Team (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 112 Pages - 02/14/2013 (Publication Date) - Mometrix Media LLC (Publisher)

Last update: 2025-02-18

How to Choose the Best ABO Exam Prep?

As expected, there are many ABO optician exam prep books out there. But many of them contain irrelevant information that won’t help you in the exam. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to know which works and which won’t. However, some tips can help you. Here, let’s review some questions to answer when looking for the best ABO exam prep book that’ll work for you.

What are the Topics Covered in the Book?

The first and most important thing to check in any study guide is the information covered. When buying an ABO exam prep book, we recommend looking at the topics covered and comparing them with those on the official ABO syllabus. The best prep books cover all topics in the exam’s syllabus, including information that’ll help you become a better practitioner.

Is there a Practice Question?

We can’t overemphasize the role of practice questions in preparing for the ABO certification exam. Like every other multiple-choice exam, this one needs adequate studies to not mix things up. You’ll also need to understand the exam structure beforehand, and that’s what practice questions do. Therefore, we recommend choosing a study guide that features practice questions and ABO flashcards. This way, you’ll have everything you need for better understanding and retention.

Does it Review Major Topics?

Not every ABO study guide will cover all the topics. However, it should cover the major topics at least. So, when shopping for a guide, always look at the content to ensure it covers all major topics.

Wrapping Things Up: The Best ABO Exam Prep

That wraps up some of the best ABO exam prep books and materials available today. The ABO certification exam is quite complicated. Not preparing well for it makes it even more complicated. The prep books and resources in this article cover all the information you’ll need to arm yourself with before the test date. Most of them also have practice questions that simulate real test questions to further prepare you physically and mentally for the test.

Our best pick, Optician Certification Exam Prep: 200 practice questions by Dynamic Path, features over 200 real questions with detailed answers and illustrations to help you understand the application of each topic. Our runner’s up, PASSive: A Novel Approach: Passive Learning To Pass Your ABO by Mr. Jonathan Winnegrad, uses a hilarious writing style to pass on very important information. It uses the author’s experience practicing opticianry to explain ABO topics.

Picture of Professor Conquer
Professor Conquer

Professor Conquer started Conquer Your Exam in 2018 to help students feel more confident and better prepared for their tough tests. Prof excelled in high school, graduating top of his class and receiving admissions into several Ivy League and top 15 schools. He has helped many students through the years tutoring and mentoring K-12, consulting seniors through the college admissions process, and writing extensive how-to guides for school.

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