Category: College Study Tips

What is a Good GPA for Engineering Students?

What is a Good GPA for Engineering Students?

Grades are the core of everyone’s academic life. We often emphasize how well we perform in college, which often pushes excessive amounts of stress on us. They often reflect our performance and measure our potential.

Do Absences Affect Your College Acceptance?

Do Absences Affect Your College Acceptance?

Are you curious about if excessive absences in school will affect your college acceptance? Are you curious if absences matter in college? If either piques your interest, you are in the right place. In high

Is Senior Year Important for College Admissions?

Is Senior Year Important for College Admissions?

Everyone can agree that senior year is a roller coaster ride—undeniably the most exciting part of high school yet filled with academic preparations. You might be thinking of ditching all your responsibilities due to high

Do Colleges Look at Your Senior Year Grades?

Do Colleges Look at Your Senior Year Grades?

Are you a high school student curious about whether your senior year grades will matter? Are you wondering what grades colleges look at the most? You have come to the right place if you can

The 139 Best Persuasive Speech Topics

The 139 Best Persuasive Speech Topics

Are you struggling to write your assignment for speech class? Writing good persuasive speech topics will be necessary for the argument of your assignment, but this is not an easy feat. This article is an

Study Without Cramming: 5 Techniques

Study Without Cramming: 5 Techniques

Are you struggling to understand how to study properly? Are you looking for tips on how to avoid cramming when studying? You are in the right place if you can answer yes to either of