Category: High School Study Tips

What Does Getting Written Up at School Mean?

What Does Getting Written Up at School Mean?

Have you ever been talking in class and been threatened with a write-up? Or maybe you’re a parent who I concerned for their kid’s academic career. Many teachers and professors threaten students with write-ups, and

What is Math Anxiety? How Do You Overcome It?

What is Math Anxiety? How Do You Overcome It?

Do you laugh at jokes trashing mathematics with a passion? Do you, every year, develop a certain vendetta against your math textbook — or teacher? Are you a person who hates math? Most importantly, how

How to Create a Study Guide?

How to Create a Study Guide?

Studying can be a challenge for anyone, but there are some tools that students can use to help make studying less of an ordeal. We aren’t trying to say that creating a study guide will

How to Make a Study Schedule?

How to Make a Study Schedule?

Have you ever found it hard to stay focused while studying? Maybe you want to be able to study more but can’t seem to find the time to do so. If this sounds like you,

77 Inspirational Quotes For Exam Success

77 Inspirational Quotes for Exam Success

Why Read Inspirational Quotes Before Your Next Exam? Do you have a big scary exam looming on the horizon? Are you doing just about anything to avoid studying for the said exam? Maybe you need

Best Benefits of Studying Literature

7 Best Benefits of Studying Literature

Most children develop a habit of reading bedtime stories before going to sleep. Reading these stories seems like taking you to the other world, regardless of whether it’s a reality or fantasy. It is just