Category: High School Study Tips

What a 1030 SAT Score Really Means for You?

What a 1030 SAT Score Really Means for You?

SAT, the Scholastic Assessment Exam, is a typical standardized examination for which every high school student sits. Achieving a high grade translates into getting better offers from colleges. At the same time, a low score

How to Homeschool High School?

How to Homeschool High School?

Are you a parent preparing to homeschool high school students?  Are you anxious to homeschool your child instead of sending them to traditional high school?  If you can answer yes to either of these questions,

Multiple Choice Test Taking Strategies: The Ultimate Guide

Multiple Choice Test Taking Strategies: The Ultimate Guide

Whether you are a high school student or a college admission seeker, you’ll probably write several multiple-choice tests throughout your school years. Most classroom tests and college examinations contain multiple-choice questions. Since you’ll likely encounter

How Hard is it to Get in COSMOS? Your Chances

How Hard is it to Get in COSMOS? Your Chances

Before getting into the details, the first question is, what is the COSMOS program? COSMOS is an intense four-week summer program hosted by the University of California, Irvine, for students in grades 8-12 demonstrating an

How to Study for USABO?

How to Study for USABO?

As the premier biology competition for high school students (USABO) draws near, you’re probably wondering whether to register for the competition or not. The first step to making this decision is having sufficient information about

What Math Does the PERT Cover?

What Math Does the PERT Cover?

As a resident student of Florida looking into college, you may have found yourself stonewalled by the PERT Test. After all that time finishing high school, there is one more hurdle between you and the

How to Prepare for PERT Math Test?

How to Prepare for PERT Math Test?

Greetings, Florida resident and prospective college student! You may have heard about the PERT Test and want to know how to prepare for the undertaking. If you are worried about passing the PERT Math Test,

How to Prepare for PERT Reading Test?

How to Prepare for PERT Reading Test?

If you are a high school student in Florida and are looking to get into college, but haven’t completed the PERT Test and want to know how to prepare for the undertaking, then this is